Mosc is tiny simple programing language writen in C. Mosc VM reads, compiles and interprets Mosc code. Mosc is intended to allow Bambara speakers people to code easily in Bambara. That will simplify a lot programing learning curve for those people who don't have an easy access to software developement stuffs.
The initial goal of Mosc will be focused on educationnal purposes.
Mosc main purspose is to be embed inside a host application that can so execute Mosc
code throuth its VM.
Mosc is very easy to handle.
For a bambara
and non english
speaker it's a lot easy to write code like
nin foli = "Djen nin tié"
instead of
public class Main {
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
java.lang.String salutation = "Hello world";
Mosc is compact and syntax sugar, syntaxically, it can be seen as kotlin
(with block argument style) and javascript
(with spread and rest operators).
- Mosc is fast, due to a single pass compiler to a tight bytecode and a compact obect representation.
- Mosc is class-based, in contrary to many other scripting languages that do not really have a Object-model. Objects are everywhere in Mosc.
- Mosc is concurrent through its lightweight Djurus (fibers or threads) implementations