- I am a software engineer with a BSc. in Mathematics and Computer Science
- I have three cats and I live in Durham, NC
- I am passionate about open source software and the open source philosophy
- I use Doom Emacs, Arch Linux, and i3
- I prefer tabs over spaces, and I prefer 4-width tabs
- I like high-contrast dark themes! Other themes don’t work right with my eyes and make me nauseous
- I love horror movies and I write about them in my off time
- My favorite director is David Lynch, and my favorite of his movies is Inland Empire
- I use fish
- My favorite languages are Rust and C++
- Rust machine learning library in early development
- My game engine, Mazengine, is in early-mid stages of development
- Kitsch, a home-management app in the story-boarding phase
- And an indie game that I’m not at liberty to link here! But there will be a website for it soon enough
- Doom Emacs
- kitty and alacritty
- Carbon
- and many more that I can’t remember right now!
- Email me at [email protected] and check out my website at morgan.computer!