Owner: Morgan Nomura Collaborators: James Feore
Deployed on Heroku at https://rocky-inlet-61764.herokuapp.com/
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- test.py includes dummy environmental variables
- run tox from the directory that tox.ini lives in
Please see TEST_PLAN.md
Latest tox report:
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 2.7.13-final-0 ----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
learning_journal/models/__init__.py 22 0 100%
learning_journal/models/entries.py 9 0 100%
learning_journal/models/meta.py 5 0 100%
learning_journal/security.py 30 0 100%
learning_journal/views/data/__init__.py 0 0 100%
learning_journal/views/data/entries.py 1 0 100%
learning_journal/views/default.py 54 0 100%
learning_journal/views/notfound.py 4 0 100%
TOTAL 125 0 100%
46 passed in 11.41 seconds
py36 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='1440921674'
py36 runtests: commands[0] | py.test --cov=learning_journal -q --cov-report term-missing
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.6.1-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
learning_journal/models/__init__.py 22 0 100%
learning_journal/models/entries.py 9 0 100%
learning_journal/models/meta.py 5 0 100%
learning_journal/security.py 30 0 100%
learning_journal/views/data/__init__.py 0 0 100%
learning_journal/views/data/entries.py 1 0 100%
learning_journal/views/default.py 54 0 100%
learning_journal/views/notfound.py 4 0 100%
TOTAL 125 0 100%
46 passed in 10.39 seconds
py27: commands succeeded
py36: commands succeeded
congratulations :)