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Conda-DEE-Config -- Conda Digital Exam Environment Configuration

This repository houses the configuration files and scripts for building a TU Delft Conda-based standalone offline installer that includes annually requested software packages. This is suitable for installing on TU Delft's lab computers including those used for digital examinations.





Managing a university-wide software distribution takes a large effort. At the minimum, we ask that you contribute by opening issues in this repository to report bugs and software/feature requests. At the maximum, help to collaboratively improve the distribution through merge requests and testing the build and installation. We will do our best to address issues and merge requests in a timely manner and will also provide commit rights to those that would like to help maintain this repository. Reach out if that interests you.

Revision history

Version numbering schema: v<year>.<two digit integer>.

version changes
v2024.04 final release for 2024-2025 academic year
v2024.03 pre-final release for 2024-2025 academic year
v2024.02 second testing release for 2024-2025 academic year
v2024.01 first testing release for 2024-2025 academic year
v2023.01 2023-2024 update
v2022.01 2022-2023 update
v2021.01 2021-2022 update
v2020.01 initial make


  • Make open source scientific software available in TU Delft computer labs
  • Make open source scientific software available for use during TU Delft computer exams
  • Software should be at the latest versions (latest within ~18 months) and mutually compatible
  • Installation must primarily support Windows (exam computers), but should also install on Linux and Mac OSX
  • Installation must be scriptable on Windows
  • Software installation must occur on an air-gapped computer (no internet)


We create a Windows executable installer for a collection of Conda packages using Conda Constructor and script its installation on Windows. We install a set of software packages from Conda Forge and make them available via the Conda package manager.

Process to agree on installation

The goal of agreeing on a joint installation of a conda-based distribution is multifold:

  1. to avoid a cluttering of (slightly) different Python environments across the infrastructure within the TU Delft
  2. to avoid intricate and disturbing differences between Python environments on the one hand and the DigitalExam python-environment during exams
  3. to mitigate the burden of maintaining the configurations involved

This installation is revised and updated in a yearly cycle. ICT-WPS ("Werkplekbeheer") receives an installation instruction, drafted on behalf of all faculties by the team that runs this repository, taking care of the actual implementation of a prepared package. This package may then be deployed through and is at the basis of the implementation of the DigitalExam-environment.

The (annual) process flow is roughly as follows:

Date Action
Mar review the issues brought up in the running academic year
Apr set out a master plan with ICT Werkplekbeheer
May send around communication to users community to express new needs and wishes
Jun draft an installation specification and work plan and send to ICT
Jul 1 package version number freeze
Jul alpha testing new installation and repair apparent errors
Jul tweak package version pins and create any necessary conda environments
Aug do beta (field) testing in faculties
Sep 1 new environment packaged, in DEE, and published on
Sep+ new issues opened on Gitlab

Adding new packages to the installer

If you need a conda package that is not available in Conda Forge installation, you can request inclusion of the package. The first step is to check if your package is available in Conda Forge. Search this list to check (note that package names may differ from PyPi, CRAN, etc.). If your package is not present in Conda Forge, then you should initiate a new package build following the instructions to add a recipe.

Once the package is available on Conda Forge for Windows 64 bit systems, open a merge request on this repository adding your package name to the construct.yaml file. Test building the installer locally on Windows and report your success (or failures) in the pull request.


My software is not available on the exam computers. How do I make it available?

The first step is to ensure that your desired package can be installed from Conda Forge. Search to see if your package is already available and if not you will need to add a recipe following the instructions here: Once the package is available on Conda Forge, open a merge request on this repository adding your package to the construct.yaml file. Make sure to submit a merge request here months before the freeze deadline for the new academic year.

The package I need is missing from Conda Forge and adding it is beyond my skills.

Open an issue here and we will coach and help you get the package built on Conda Forge.

Is it possible to have different conda environments other than the base environment?

We can add new environments using Conda Constructor and make them selectable by end users, but the current limitation is the 2GB maximum for our exe installer on Windows. It is difficult to keep the installer under 2GB with even one additional environment if it includes the Anaconda distribution. Switching to only Conda Forge packages may allow us to reduce the installer size and thus support a limited number of additional environments.

Why can't my package be installed with PyPi/Cargo/NPM/CRAN?

Software building and installing ranges from simple to extremely complex, even for a single package. This is further complicated by trying to have a mutually compatible set of hundreds or thousands of packages installed together. We manage a monolithic installation of packages that come from a variety of languages (Python, C++, C, R, Julia, CUDA, etc.). Firstly, many of the packages cannot be installed from a single languages' repository, e.g. PyPi only hosts Python packages. Secondly, it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to create a compatible set of packages if relying on PyPi (see for detailed explanations). A tenable solution that does not require excessive amounts of time and complexity for this team is to rely on Conda Forge for solving these problems (with our help!). The binaries available on Conda Forge are guaranteed to provide a compatible set by the nature of its design. Even though it may seem simple to install your package on your computer, it may not be so here. Every special case we add, costs us more time. So we default to Conda Forge packages with rare exceptions that depend on available volunteer time. This provides a minimal headache way to deliver a working software environments to our students.

Why can't students pip install or conda install packages while on the computers?

The computers are not connected to the internet so these commands will not work in general. It may be possible to host our own copies of Conda Forge or PyPi behind our firewall in the future, but this is a large undertaking. We also do not give students write access to the locations that either of these tools install packages to, so the default install will not work.

Why are there no version specifications in the construct.yaml file? How do we know what version will be installed?

We install the latest Conda Forge version of all packages up to the July 1 version freeze date. Build the installer to see what versions are installed. We are working on a way to publish regular version lists.

Contact and request list

This is a list of people who have requested packages in the past or expressed interest in doing so.

Name Email Faculty Requests
Artur Schweidtmann [email protected]
Bart Gerritsen [email protected]
Coen de Visser [email protected]
Cornel Thill [email protected]
Erik Ulijn (ME) [email protected]
Ferdinand Grozema [email protected]
Ferdinand Postema (LR) [email protected]
Frank Mulder [email protected]
Gary Steele [email protected]
Heike Vallery [email protected]
Helma Torkamaan [email protected]
Iulia lefter [email protected]
Jacco Hoekstra [email protected]
Jason K. Moore [email protected] ME sckits.odes
Jeroen Kalkman [email protected]
Joost Ellerbroek [email protected]
Jordan Boyle [email protected] IDE pygame, pymunk
Ludolf Meester [email protected]
Marcel Sluiter [email protected]
Marcel van den Broek [email protected]
Margreet Docter [email protected] TNW nb2214-2023
Mario Negrello [email protected] nbgrader, numba, notebook extensions, TOC2
Mark Bakker [email protected]
Max Theisen [email protected] pytorch, pytorch_geometric, torchvision-cpu, rdkit
Miriam Coenders [email protected]
Omar Kammouh [email protected] mesa, ffmpeg
Özge Okur [email protected]
Peter Somhorst [email protected] ME
Peter Wilders [email protected]
Peter van Nieuwenhuizen [email protected]
Petra Heijnen (TBM) [email protected] more_itertools, pyvisgraph, shapely
Rebeca Gonzalez Cabaleiro [email protected]
Regine Vroom [email protected]
Remko Uijlenhoet [email protected]
Rene van Paassen (LR) [email protected] control, slycot
Ronald Ligteringen [email protected]
Ruud van der Ent [email protected]
Sander van Cranenburgh [email protected] biogeme, biogeme-optimization, cython-biogeme
Tom Viering [email protected]
Valeri Markine [email protected]
Wouter van der Wal [email protected]
Requested by Artur Schweidtmann [email protected]

Steps to build the installer

Step 1: Install Anaconda/Miniconda/Miniforge and Git

You will need conda installed on Windows 10. You can use conda from Anaconda, Miniconda, Miniforge, or any other conda-based installation. For example, you can install the latest of the mentioned three installers from:

The latest Miniconda Windows installer is at:

Install Git, either:

  • Follow general installation instructions for your Operating System. For example, Github provides this guidance:
  • or, install Git with conda (open the Anaconda/Conda prompt in Windows or a Terminal in OSX or Linux) and type:
conda install -c conda-forge git

Step 2: Download this repository

If you want to build a specific version of the installer then download the release files from:

If you want to work with the development version, then use one of the following methods to obtain the files:

If you have SSH setup for the EWI Gitlab use:

git clone [email protected]:bhmgerritsen/anaconda-dee-config.git
cd anaconda-dee-config

else use:

git clone
cd anaconda-dee-config

If you don't want to use Git you can download a zip file of the latest version of this repository from:

Step 3: Update and configure conda

This makes sure conda is up-to-date and is using the recently added libmamba solver. The libmamba solver is faster, uses less memory, gives better error messages, and can solve harder sets of constraints.

conda update -n base conda

Step 4: Install constructor in its own environment

You will build the installer with constructor, which is the same tool used to build the Anaconda installer. Create an environment with only constructor and activate it.

conda create -n constructor constructor
conda activate constructor

Step 5: Construct the installer

constructor will read the contents of the construct.yaml file, solve for the compatible set of packages and build a .exe installer that contains them.

On Windows, to build the installer, run:

constructor .

or on Mac or Linux, run:

CONDA_CHANNEL_PRIORITY=strict constructor .

in the directory with the construct.yaml file. This can take 10-30 minutes depending on your computer's speed and download speeds. After it finishes there will be tudelft-anaconda-<version>-Windows-x86_64.exe in the directory. This installer can be executed on any computer that does not have Anaconda installed.


Once you have built the installer exe, you can use it to install the TU Delft Anaconda on other computers.

Step 1: Download the installer

Download tudelft-anaconda-<version>-Windows-x86_64.exe to the Windows 10 computer you want to install it on.

We build Windows installers in this Github CI action:

The files can be downloaded up to 90 days after the build. Click the workflow run (likely the latest one) and then download from the "Artifacts" section:

Step 2: Run the installer

Double click on the tudelft-anaconda installer and follow the prompts. By default this will install the TU Delft Anaconda in C:\Program Files\tudelft-anaconda.

Step 3: Check versions

The full list of packages and their versions can be created with:

conda list --verbose --show-channel-urls -n base > base-pkgs.lst

Testing the installations

Various approaches exist to create a beta testing environment that matches the exam computers. The method used in recent years:

  • assign a test machine and test using RemoteDesktop (Citrix)
  • assign access rights to a beta tester

Request these from WPS.