mrm presets for 🌔 🚶
# Install mrm globally if need it
npm i -g mrm
# Install presets package
npm i -g @moonwalker/mrm-presets
Generate React component folder
mrm react-component --preset @moonwalker/mrm-presets --config:slug top-navigation --config:prefix components/signup
// Running react-component...
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/index.js
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/top-navigation.component.js
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/top-navigation.stories.js
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/top-navigation.styl
Run the generator in the current dirrectory:
cd src/components
mrm react-component --preset @moonwalker/mrm-presets --config:slug top-navigation --config:cwd . --config:prefix signup
// Running react-component...
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/index.js
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/top-navigation.component.js
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/top-navigation.stories.js
// Create src/components/signup/top-navigation/top-navigations.styl
Custom release flow based on release-it.
yarn bump
npm run bump
When running bump
command, release-it
will do the following steps locally:
- set a new package version
- on master, a new semver version will be inferred based on Angular conventional changelog format
- on a branch, a new beta tag will be generated
The version can be manually set by choosing the custom version option.
- tag the commit
- push the code & tags
- create a Github release(
CI will run the publish flow for tagged commits.
Add linting & formatting configs for @moonwalker/pre-flight-check
lint-staged is running Prettier and Eslint before commit. If there are eslint errors, the commit will stop.
To skip the check entirely, you can use git commit --no-verify