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Magento 2 tool is designed to automate, simplify, and make it safe to convert the production environment into a staging or a development one

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Magento 2 CLI Util

It doesn't work standalone: Magento 2 instance is required

The tool is designed to automate, simplify, and make it safe to convert the production environment into a staging or a development one. It can be used by developers manually or as a part of a deployment process to configure the staging environment.

It allows describing a scenario of sanitizing data in the database, Thus you can be sure you didn't forget to do something important, like disabling an integration locally (that can create a mess) or anonymizing customer emails (that could lead to accidental sending emails) and so on.

The util is based on the Symfony Console, so you must be already familiar with it. It's easy to use and to extend.


  • Using YAML configs to describe data sanitizing scenarios
  • Anonymizing sensitive customer data in Magento tables:
    • emails
    • names
    • addresses
    • etc.
  • Replacing or deleting Magento store configuration values in the core_config_data table:
    • API integration keys
    • tracking services settings
    • domain name
    • etc.
  • Running custom SQL queries as a part of the scenario
  • Running specified N98 Magerun 2 tool commands or Magento CLI commands as a part of the scenario
  • Flexible configuration per environment:
    • Use the base (base.yml) config to describe the most common parts
    • Use an environment-specific (dev.yml, stage.yml) config to either describe additional rules or override ones specified in the base config
    • Use the local config (local.yml) to cover your personal needs: add, customize or override any rules defined in the base and/or the environment config
  • Specifying the verbosity flag -v allows you to get more detailed output or error information


Add the following content to the repositories section of your composer.json to make composer know where to search

    "type": "git",
    "url": ""

You probably would get something like that, if your Magento is installed via composer

"repositories": [
       "type": "composer",
       "url": "",
       "canonical": false
       "type": "git",
       "url": ""

Then run composer update to update the composer.lock file and force composer to discover the new repository

composer update

Now you can require the package as usual

composer require --dev montikids/magento-cli-util:@dev

After installation you must configure the environment.

Usage / Commands

After installation the tool is available as a composer binary: vendor/bin/mk-cli-util

List commands

See all the commands currently available

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util list

List of available commands

# Set the util environment type. Different environments use different config files.
vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:env <env> 
# Check configuration files are valid
vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:verify <env> (optional) 
# Anonymize sensitive data in the Magento database
vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:anonymize 
# Update "core_config_data" Magento DB table with the config file values
vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:apply-config 

Configure environment


Before the first run, you must set the environment type you're going to use. Without it, you can't run other util commands for security reasons.

Available environments:

  • dev – is intended to be used for the local development environment
  • stage – is intended to be used for staging environment


vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:env <env>


Normal use

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:env dev

For more verbosity

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:env dev -v

What does it do

  • Setting the specified environment type to the Magento's env config (app/etc/env.php)
'mk_cli_util' => [
   'environment' => 'dev'
  • Creating the mk-cli-util folder in your repository root, if it doesn't exist
  • Copying config samples folder
  • Initializing configs for the specified environment (only if they don't exist yet!). So, theoretically, you're ready to go. But, please, don't do this without adjusting the configs according to your needs!
  • Adding a .gitignore file inside the folder to exclude local configuration files

It's recommended to add the mk-cli-util folder to git in order to share configs across your team and have the ability to easily adjust the rules when a new feature creates some points to sanitize.

Verify environment configuration files


You always can check whether your configuration files are valid. It's extremely important in automated deployments when you rely on safe usage, and you really don't want accidentally miss the step of data cleaning and anonymization.

This command returns non-zero exit code in case of any failure. In case you have configured pipelines in your git, you can just add execution of this command to the pipelines and be aware about incorrect syntax of config even before merging it into master/develop. Pipelines are usually failed on any error occurred.

Otherwise, you need to verify the configs on deployment and, probably, fail the whole deployment when this check fails. Depending on how your deployment processes are made, you might need to track the exit code of this command and stop the deployment process explicitly when the exit code is non-zero value.


vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:verify <env>


Check files for the current configured environment

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:verify

Check files for another environment

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util configure:verify dev

What does it do

  • One by one it tries to load and parse the following configs
    • Base (base.yml)
    • Environment (dev.yml or stage.yml)
    • Local (local.yml)
    • Merged (base + environment + local)
  • Config files are checked for both operations: setting store config values and DB tables anonymization
  • Non-required configs, such as local, are skipped if the config is absent

Anonymize DB data


Running this command starts data anonymizing processing in the Magento database according to the scenario specified in the config(s).

Config paths:

  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/base.yml – required, contains the main and the most common set of rules
  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/{{env_name}}.yml – optional, the config name depends on the configured environment, contains rules are specific for the environment
  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/local.yml – optional, contains rules that are specific for you only, should never be under VCS


vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:anonymize


Normal use

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:anonymize

For more verbosity (see SQL queries are executed, the number of affected rows, and so on)

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:anonymize -v

What does it do

  • Reading the app/etc/env.php file to get Magento table prefix and the default connection settings
  • Anonymizing the tables are specified in the corresponding section of the config according to rules specified for each table separately
  • Running custom SQL queries according to the corresponding section of the config
  • Running N98 Magerun 2 tool according to the corresponding section of the config

Apply store config values


Running this command starts applying store config values (core_config_data table) according to the scenario specified in the config(s).

Config paths:

  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/base.yml – required, contains the main and the most common set of rules
  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/{{env_name}}.yml – optional, the config name depends on the configured environment, contains rules are specific for the environment
  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/local.yml – optional, contains rules that are specific for you only, should never be under VCS


vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:apply-config


Normal use

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:apply-config

For more verbosity (see SQL queries are executed, the number of affected rows, and so on)

vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:apply-config -v

What does it do

  • Reading the app/etc/env.php file to get Magento table prefix and the default connection settings
  • Updating the core_config_data table content according to the corresponding section of the config
  • Running custom SQL queries according to the corresponding section of the config
  • Running N98 Magerun 2 tool according to the corresponding section of the config

Config building reference

All the configs are YAML files. The configs are merged in a way that allows inheriting from the basic configs and overriding values in the most specific one. You can use YAML variables (a.k.a. anchors) if you want.

Config types


This config is required and created automatically during environment configuration.

It contains the main and the most common set of rules.

It's recommended to keep it under VCS


These configs are optional. Config with the corresponding name is created automatically during environment configuration but you can't remove it if you don't need it. The base config is used in this case.

These configs are used to specify some rules that are specific per environment. They inherit the base config. The dev.yml config is intended to be used across the development team locally. The stage.yml is intended to be used during or after deployment on the staging.

It's recommended to keep them under VCS


The config is optional, use it if you need a more specific config than the base and the environmental ones. Each developer machine or staging instance can have its copy.

It inherits both: the base config and the env (if there is one). In case there is no local config, the base and the environment-specific ones are used.

Should be excluded from VCS

Config merge logic


  1. Local
  2. Environment-specific
  3. Base

i.e. the local config is the top-priority one.

Merge rules

  • Config with a lower priority is inherited by a config with a higher priority
  • If the same path is specified in more than one config, the value from the config with higher priority is used

Anonymize config

Contains rules of Magento tables data sanitizing.


Base config

  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/base.yml Environment-specific configs
  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/dev.yml
  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/stage.yml Local config
  • mk-cli-util/config/anonymize/local.yml


  • tables

    • required
    • contains table names and rules for them that describe which columns should be processed and how
    • the structure is the following
            value: {{option_value}}
            field_to_concat: {{option_value}}
            postfix: {{option_value}}
            is_password: {{option_value}}
            concat_field_name: {{option_value}}
          {{field_name}}: null
      • {{table_name}} – is a valid table name in the Magento database without the table prefix (if there is one)
      • {{field_name}} – is a valid field name of the table
        • set the whole field to null to skip anonymization (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
      • {{option_value}} – depends on the option:
        • value
          • is a string or null, the default value is ''
          • describes the column main value to replace with or the prefix, if you concatenate it with either another field value, postfix, or both
          • can be an empty string
          • if is set to null the field would be set to NULL in the database, other field options are ignored
        • field_to_concat
          • is a valid table field name in the same table (string) or null, the default value is null
          • the value of the specified field is concatenated to the value
          • if is set to null, no field value is concatenated
        • postfix
          • is a string or null, the default value is null
          • some static string you want to be put after either value or field_to_concat (depending on the options values)
          • if is set to null, no postfix is added
        • is_password
          • is a boolean value, the default value is false
          • for now, there is only one place where you can use this option – the customer_entity table
          • when the option is set to true, the value is encrypted in the way Magento encrypts customer passwords, so you can use the specified password to login into a customer account
          • when the option is set to true, field_to_concat and postfix are ignored
        • concat_field_name
          • is a boolean value, the default value is false
          • when it's set to true, the {{field_name}} is joined to the end of the result value as a static string
          • the field name is joined after the postfix, field_to_concat, or value, depending on their settings
          • I have no idea why someone would need it but here we are
        • any field option can be omitted, the default value is used then
  • sql_query

    • optional
    • is a key-value set of custom SQL queries you want to be run after the tables section is processed
    • the structure is the following
        {{alias}}: {{query}}
        {{alias}}: null
      • {{alias}}
        • is as a string
        • must be a valid YAML key (try to not use any special characters or spaces)
        • stands for some meaningful name for the query
      • {{query}}
      • is a valid SQL query (string) or null
      • that is run "as is", it means you must specify the table prefix if you use it
      • trailing semicolon is optional
      • the null values means you want to skip running this query (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
    • you can set the whole section to null (sql_query: null) if you don't want any queries executed (makes sense when you override the section in a more specific config)
  • n98_magerun2_command

  • optional

  • is a key-value set of N98 Magerun 2 tool commands you want to be run after the tables section is processed

  • the structure is the following

      {{alias}}: {{command}}
      {{alias}}: null
    • {{alias}}
      • is as a string
      • must be a valid YAML key (try to not use any special characters or spaces)
      • stands for some meaningful name for the command
    • {{command}}
      • is a valid N98 Magerun 2 tool command (string) or null
      • that is run "as is", it means you must specify all the command arguments if there are some
      • the null values means you want to skip running this command (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
    • you can set the whole section to null (n98_magerun2_command: null) if you don't want any commands executed (makes sense when you override the section in a more specific config)


The following example demonstrates the general approch to writing the sections and how to use YAML anchors (variables). For more extended samples, please check the corresponding folder in the repository.

 - &mail_domain ''
 - &customer_password 'Password123'
 - &customer_phone '1234 5678'
 - &customer_fax '1234 5678'
 - &customer_street ' test avenue'
 - &ip ''
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'dev_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     postfix: *mail_domain
     value: *customer_password
     is_password: true
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'lastname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: *customer_street
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'city_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: *customer_phone
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: *customer_fax
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
 truncate_reporting_users: "TRUNCATE reporting_users;"
 reindex: 'indexer:reindex'

Merge examples

Base config

 - &mail_domain ''
 - &customer_password 'Password123'
 - &customer_phone '1234 5678'
 - &customer_fax '1234 5678'
 - &customer_street ' test avenue'
 - &ip ''
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'dev_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     postfix: *mail_domain
     value: *customer_password
     is_password: true
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'lastname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: *customer_street
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'city_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: *customer_phone
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: *customer_fax
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
 truncate_reporting_users: "TRUNCATE reporting_users;"
 reindex: 'indexer:reindex'

Environment-specific config

 - &customer_password 'my_awesome_password'
 - &mail_domain ''
     value: 'John'
     field_to_concat: null
     postfix: *mail_domain
     value: *customer_password
     value: 'Doe'
 truncate_queue_message_status: 'TRUNCATE queue_message_status;'
 clean_queue_message: 'DELETE FROM queue_message;'
 generate_urn: 'dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml'

Local config

 - &customer_password '567***$ERFhgdgds!#$@'
 - &mail_domain '@local.test'
     value: 'Sheldon '
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: ''
     postfix: *mail_domain
     value: *customer_password
   lastname: null
     value: 'Sheldon '
 truncate_reporting_users: null
 reindex: null

The result

     value: 'Sheldon '
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'firstname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: ''
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     postfix: '@local.test'
     value: '567***$ERFhgdgds!#$@'
     is_password: true
     value: 'Sheldon '
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'lastname_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: ' test avenue'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: 'city_'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: '1234 5678'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
     value: '1234 5678'
     field_to_concat: 'entity_id'
 truncate_reporting_users: null
 truncate_queue_message_status: 'TRUNCATE queue_message_status;'
 clean_queue_message: 'DELETE FROM queue_message;'
 reindex: null
 generate_urn: 'dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml'

Store config values config

Contains rules of updating values of the core_config_data Magento table.


vendor/bin/mk-cli-util db:apply-config 


Base config

  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/base.yml Environment-specific configs
  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/dev.yml
  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/stage.yml Local config
  • mk-cli-util/config/store-config/local.yml


  • config

    • required
    • contains config paths (that represent the path field of the core_config_data table) and rules for them that describe how to process their values
    • paths can be specified for the default scope, for any website, or for any store
    • the structure is the following
            {{path}}: {{value}}
              encrypt: {{non_ecrypted_value}}
              delete: true
              skip: true
      • {{scope_name}} – is default, websites, or stores
      • {{scope_id}} – is 0 for the default scope and a valid (existed) website or store ID for websites and stores correspondingly
        • set the whole field to null to skip anonymization (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
      • {{path}} – the config value path, exactly it's specified in the path field of the core_config_data table
      • {{value}}
        • is a string or a special instruction (delete: true, skip: true)
        • for boolean values use '0' and '1' instead of false and true correspondingly
        • specify integer/float/whatever values as strings, e.g.: '139', '18.35', and so on
        • encrypt: {{non_ecrypted_value}}
          • is a special instruction that encrypts the {{non_ecrypted_value}} in the way Magento does it
          • use it to set fields with type obscure, like passwords, API keys, and so on
          • {{non_ecrypted_value}} – is a string that stands for the password/API ket/whatever in a raw mode (before encryption)
        • delete: true
          • is a special instruction that removes the row with the specified path completely from the table
          • you may need it in case you want to force using the most default value from config.xml or just to have the config value unset
        • skip: true
          • is a special instruction that allows skipping processing the path value (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
  • sql_query

    • optional
    • is a key-value set of custom SQL queries you want to be run after the tables section is processed
    • the structure is the following
        {{alias}}: {{query}}
        {{alias}}: null
      • {{alias}}
        • is as a string
        • must be a valid YAML key (try to not use any special characters or spaces)
        • stands for some meaningful name for the query
      • {{query}}
        • is a valid SQL query (string) or null
        • that is run "as is", it means you must specify the table prefix if you use it
        • trailing semicolon is optional
        • the null values means you want to skip running this query (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
      • you can set the whole section to null (sql_query: null) if you don't want any queries executed (makes sense when you override the section in a more specific config)
  • n98_magerun2_command

    • optional
    • is a key-value set of N98 Magerun 2 tool commands you want to be run after the tables section is processed
    • the structure is the following
        {{alias}}: {{command}}
        {{alias}}: null
      • {{alias}}
        • is as a string
        • must be valid YAML key (try to not use any special characters or spaces)
        • stands for some meaningful name for the command
      • {{command}}
        • is a valid N98 Magerun 2 tool command (string) or null
        • that is run "as is", it means you must specify all the command arguments if there are some
        • the null values means you want to skip running this command (makes sense when you override the value in a more specific config)
      • you can set the whole section to null (n98_magerun2_command: null) if you don't want any commands executed (makes sense when you override the section in a more specific config)


The following example demonstrates the general approch to writing the sections. For more extended samples, please check the corresponding folder in the repository.

     ### Security ###
     admin/security/password_lifetime: '9000'
     admin/security/session_lifetime: '9000'
     ### HTTPS ###
       delete: true
       delete: true
     ### Mail ###
     system/smtp/disable: '1'
       delete: true
       delete: true
     general/store_information/name: 'My store name (store-level)'
     general/store_information/name: 'My store name (website-level)'
 clean_report: 'DELETE FROM reporting_users;'
 cache_flush: 'cache:flush'

Merge examples

Base config

     ### Security ###
     admin/security/password_lifetime: '9000'
     admin/security/session_lifetime: '9000'
     ### HTTPS ###
       delete: true
       delete: true
     ### Mail ###
     system/smtp/disable: '1'
       delete: true
       delete: true
     general/store_information/name: 'My store name (store-level)'
     general/store_information/name: 'My store name (website-level)'
 clean_report: 'DELETE FROM reporting_users;'
 cache_flush: 'cache:flush'

Environment-specific config

     # Let's mitigate security politics for developers machines
     admin/security/password_lifetime: ''
     admin/security/session_lifetime: 31536000
     admin/security/password_is_forced: '0'
     # In case the most developers don't use HTTPS locally
       delete: true
       delete: true
     # You probably don't want sending data to NewRelic from developers machines
     newrelicreporting/general/enable: '0'
     newrelicreporting/cron/enable_cron: '0'
       delete: true
       delete: true
       delete: true
       delete: true
     # Enable some payment methods handy to use on development
     payment/checkmo/active: '1'
 truncate_wishlist: 'TRUNCATE wishlist;'
 clean_report: null
 show_mode: 'deploy:mode:show'

Local config

     web/unsecure/base_url: 'http://magento.test/'
     web/secure/base_url: 'https://magento.test/'
     admin/url/custom: 'https://magento.test/'
     web/secure/use_in_frontend: '1'
     web/secure/use_in_adminhtml: '1'
       skip: true
sql_query: null

The result

     admin/security/password_lifetime: ''
     admin/security/session_lifetime: 31536000
     admin/security/password_is_forced: '0'
     web/unsecure/base_url: 'http://magento.test/'
     web/secure/base_url: 'https://magento.test/'
     admin/url/custom: 'https://magento.test/'
     web/secure/use_in_frontend: '1'
     web/secure/use_in_adminhtml: '1'
     newrelicreporting/general/enable: '0'
     newrelicreporting/cron/enable_cron: '0'
       delete: true
       delete: true
       delete: true
       delete: true
     payment/checkmo/active: '1'
     system/smtp/disable: '1'
       delete: true
       delete: true
       skip: true
     general/store_information/name: 'My store name (website-level)'
sql_query: null
 cache_flush: 'cache:flush'
 show_mode: 'deploy:mode:show'

Local development and testing

As far as the package can't exist standalone (without a Magento installation), developing it locally is quite a challenge.

It's highly recommended to use a copy of your Magento project in a separate folder. It should prevent you from constant modifying/reverting composer.json and composer.lock files and save you a lot of time and nerves. That's because local development requires adding the custom repository that points to the local directory


There is a trick to make composer load the local version of the package instead of downloading it from the repository. Add the following content into the repositories section of your composer.json of your Magento installation.

   "type": "path",
   "url": "../magento-cli-util",
   "options": {
       "symlink": false


  • "type": "path" – tells composer you want to load a local directory
  • "url": "../magento-cli-util" – relative or absolute path to the directory with the package
  • "symlink": false – tells composer to copy/mirror files instead of creating a symlink

symlink may seem a more convenient option to you but you probably would face some issues on using relative paths

If you have already installed the package

Unfortunately, in this case, the only solution that I found is to remove the composer.lock file. Without this, the repository URL isn't updated and you continue receiving the package from the repository instead of the specified local path.

rm -f composer.lock

Remove the package version you have and clean the composer cache

rm -rf vendor/montikids/magento-cli-util && rm -rf vendor/bin/mk-cli-util && composer clear-cache

Run the installation of the packages and go to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee

composer install

If it's the first installation

Require the package as usual

composer require --dev montikids/magento-cli-util:@dev

You should see something like this (pay attention to the word mirroring)

- Installing montikids/magento-cli-util (dev-1.0.0): Mirroring from ../magento-cli-util


  1. Make the changes you need in the local folder with the package
  2. Remove the outdated version from the Magento project's vendor, clean cache, and run the installation of the missed package
rm -rf vendor/montikids/magento-cli-util
rm -rf vendor/bin/mk-cli-util
composer clear-cache
composer install

I prefer to run it as a single command, it's much more convenient when you need to test your changes quite often

rm -rf vendor/montikids/magento-cli-util && rm -rf vendor/bin/mk-cli-util && composer clear-cache && composer install
  1. Profit!

In case you modified the composer.json of the package (e.g. the version of one of the dependencies), you would have to update the composer.lock in your Magento project

composer update

If it doesn't help, remove the composer.lock and run

composer install



Magento 2 tool is designed to automate, simplify, and make it safe to convert the production environment into a staging or a development one






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