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mattleibow committed Jun 29, 2022
1 parent cb424e5 commit 1bfb2ef
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Showing 4 changed files with 218 additions and 1 deletion.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions changelogs/SkiaSharp.Skottie/2.88.1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# API diff: SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.dll

## SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.dll

> Assembly Version Changed: vs
### New Namespace SkiaSharp.SceneGraph

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.InvalidationController

public class InvalidationController : SkiaSharp.SKObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public InvalidationController ();
// properties
public SkiaSharp.SKRect Bounds { get; }
// methods
public void Begin ();
protected override void DisposeNative ();
public void End ();
public void Invalidate (SkiaSharp.SKRect rect, SkiaSharp.SKMatrix matrix);
public void Reset ();

51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions changelogs/SkiaSharp.Skottie/2.88.1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# API diff: SkiaSharp.Skottie.dll

## SkiaSharp.Skottie.dll

> Assembly Version Changed: vs
### New Namespace SkiaSharp.Skottie

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Skottie.Animation

public class Animation : SkiaSharp.SKObject, System.IDisposable {
// properties
public System.TimeSpan Duration { get; }
public double Fps { get; }
public double InPoint { get; }
public double OutPoint { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKSize Size { get; }
public string Version { get; }
// methods
public static Animation Create (SkiaSharp.SKData data);
public static Animation Create (SkiaSharp.SKStream stream);
public static Animation Create (System.IO.Stream stream);
public static Animation Create (string path);
protected override void DisposeNative ();
public static Animation Parse (string json);
public void Render (SkiaSharp.SKCanvas canvas, SkiaSharp.SKRect dst);
public void Render (SkiaSharp.SKCanvas canvas, SkiaSharp.SKRect dst, AnimationRenderFlags flags);
public void Seek (double percent, SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.InvalidationController ic);
public void SeekFrame (double frame, SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.InvalidationController ic);
public void SeekFrameTime (double seconds, SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.InvalidationController ic);
public void SeekFrameTime (System.TimeSpan time, SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.InvalidationController ic);
public static bool TryCreate (SkiaSharp.SKData data, out Animation animation);
public static bool TryCreate (SkiaSharp.SKStream stream, out Animation animation);
public static bool TryCreate (System.IO.Stream stream, out Animation animation);
public static bool TryCreate (string path, out Animation animation);
public static bool TryParse (string json, out Animation animation);

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Skottie.AnimationRenderFlags

public enum AnimationRenderFlags {
DisableTopLevelClipping = 2,
SkipTopLevelIsolation = 1,

141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions changelogs/SkiaSharp.Views.Uno.WinUI/2.88.1/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# API diff: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.dll

## SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.dll

> Assembly Version Changed: vs
### New Namespace SkiaSharp.Views.Windows

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.Extensions

public static class Extensions {
// methods
public static System.Drawing.PointF ToDrawingPoint (this SkiaSharp.SKPoint point);
public static System.Drawing.Point ToDrawingPoint (this SkiaSharp.SKPointI point);
public static System.Drawing.RectangleF ToDrawingRect (this SkiaSharp.SKRect rect);
public static System.Drawing.Rectangle ToDrawingRect (this SkiaSharp.SKRectI rect);
public static System.Drawing.SizeF ToDrawingSize (this SkiaSharp.SKSize size);
public static System.Drawing.Size ToDrawingSize (this SkiaSharp.SKSizeI size);
public static SkiaSharp.SKPointI ToSKPoint (this System.Drawing.Point point);
public static SkiaSharp.SKPoint ToSKPoint (this System.Drawing.PointF point);
public static SkiaSharp.SKRectI ToSKRect (this System.Drawing.Rectangle rect);
public static SkiaSharp.SKRect ToSKRect (this System.Drawing.RectangleF rect);
public static SkiaSharp.SKSizeI ToSKSize (this System.Drawing.Size size);
public static SkiaSharp.SKSize ToSKSize (this System.Drawing.SizeF size);

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.GlobalStaticResources

public sealed class GlobalStaticResources {
// constructors
public GlobalStaticResources ();
// methods
public static object FindResource (string name);
public static void Initialize ();
public static void RegisterDefaultStyles ();
public static void RegisterResourceDictionariesBySource ();

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs

public class SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs : System.EventArgs {
// constructors
public SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget);

public SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTargetDesc renderTarget);
public SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget, SkiaSharp.GRSurfaceOrigin origin, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType);
public SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget, SkiaSharp.GRSurfaceOrigin origin, SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info);

public SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget, SkiaSharp.GRSurfaceOrigin origin, SkiaSharp.SKColorType colorType, SkiaSharp.GRGlFramebufferInfo glInfo);
public SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTarget renderTarget, SkiaSharp.GRSurfaceOrigin origin, SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info, SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo rawInfo);
// properties
public SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTarget BackendRenderTarget { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKColorType ColorType { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo Info { get; }
public SkiaSharp.GRSurfaceOrigin Origin { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo RawInfo { get; }

public SkiaSharp.GRBackendRenderTargetDesc RenderTarget { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKSurface Surface { get; }

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs

public class SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs : System.EventArgs {
// constructors
public SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info);
public SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs (SkiaSharp.SKSurface surface, SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo info, SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo rawInfo);
// properties
public SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo Info { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo RawInfo { get; }
public SkiaSharp.SKSurface Surface { get; }

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.SKSwapChainPanel

public class SKSwapChainPanel : Microsoft.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement {
// constructors
public SKSwapChainPanel ();
// properties
public SkiaSharp.SKSize CanvasSize { get; }
public double ContentsScale { get; }
public bool DrawInBackground { get; set; }
public bool EnableRenderLoop { get; set; }
public SkiaSharp.GRContext GRContext { get; }
public static bool RaiseOnUnsupported { get; set; }
// events
public event System.EventHandler<SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs> PaintSurface;
// methods
public void Invalidate ();
protected virtual void OnPaintSurface (SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e);

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.SKXamlCanvas

public class SKXamlCanvas : Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Canvas {
// constructors
public SKXamlCanvas ();
// properties
public SkiaSharp.SKSize CanvasSize { get; }
public double Dpi { get; }
public bool IgnorePixelScaling { get; set; }
// events
public event System.EventHandler<SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs> PaintSurface;
// methods
public void Invalidate ();
protected virtual void OnPaintSurface (SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e);

#### New Type: SkiaSharp.Views.Windows.UWPExtensions

public static class UWPExtensions {
// methods
public static Windows.UI.Color ToColor (this SkiaSharp.SKColor color);
public static Windows.Foundation.Point ToPoint (this SkiaSharp.SKPoint point);
public static Windows.Foundation.Rect ToRect (this SkiaSharp.SKRect rect);
public static SkiaSharp.SKColor ToSKColor (this Windows.UI.Color color);
public static SkiaSharp.SKPoint ToSKPoint (this Windows.Foundation.Point point);
public static SkiaSharp.SKRect ToSKRect (this Windows.Foundation.Rect rect);
public static SkiaSharp.SKSize ToSKSize (this Windows.Foundation.Size size);
public static Windows.Foundation.Size ToSize (this SkiaSharp.SKSize size);

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs
Submodule docs updated 58 files
+1 −0 .openpublishing.publish.config.json
+2 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/FrameworksIndex/skiasharp-harfbuzz-2.88.xml
+48 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/FrameworksIndex/skiasharp-skottie-2.88.xml
+35 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/Feature.xml
+30 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/FontExtents.xml
+35 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/GlyphExtents.xml
+30 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/GlyphInfo.xml
+35 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/GlyphPosition.xml
+25 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/OpenTypeColorLayer.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/OpenTypeMathGlyphPart.xml
+25 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/OpenTypeMathGlyphVariant.xml
+30 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/OpenTypeNameEntry.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/OpenTypeVarAxis.xml
+50 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/OpenTypeVarAxisInfo.xml
+25 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/HarfBuzzSharp/Variation.xml
+42 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp.HarfBuzz/SKShaper+Result.xml
+147 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp.SceneGraph/InvalidationController.xml
+545 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp.Skottie/Animation.xml
+57 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp.Skottie/AnimationRenderFlags.xml
+60 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRBackendRenderTargetDesc.xml
+60 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRBackendTextureDesc.xml
+60 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRGlBackendTextureDesc.xml
+25 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRGlFramebufferInfo.xml
+30 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRGlTextureInfo.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRVkAlloc.xml
+75 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GRVkImageInfo.xml
+60 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/GrVkYcbcrConversionInfo.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKCodecFrameInfo.xml
+43 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKCodecOptions.xml
+5 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKColor.xml
+5 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKColorF.xml
+76 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKColorSpacePrimaries.xml
+65 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKColorSpaceTransferFn.xml
+30 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKColorSpaceXyz.xml
+70 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKDocumentPdfMetadata.xml
+90 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKFontMetrics.xml
+35 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKHighContrastConfig.xml
+115 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKImageInfo.xml
+33 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKJpegEncoderOptions.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKLattice.xml
+75 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKMask.xml
+150 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKMatrix.xml
+5 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKPMColor.xml
+28 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKPngEncoderOptions.xml
+45 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKPoint.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKPoint3.xml
+45 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKPointI.xml
+115 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKRect.xml
+115 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKRectI.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKRotationScaleMatrix.xml
+8 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKRuntimeEffectUniform.xml
+45 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKSize.xml
+40 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKSizeI.xml
+25 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKSurfaceProps.xml
+28 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/SkiaSharp/SKWebpEncoderOptions.xml
+15 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/index.xml
+6 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/ns-SkiaSharp.SceneGraph.xml
+6 −0 SkiaSharpAPI/ns-SkiaSharp.Skottie.xml

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