Shelly Homekit 2.14.0-alpha4
If you use and enjoy the firmware please consider a donation to support further development.
This version is a first version for the following new Devices.
Usage is at your own risk.
See for supported features.
Changes compared to alpha3
- Correct Partition Table offset for MiniGen3 to be backwards compatible with this firmware
- all PMs with BL0942: use calibration values from partition
New Devices
- 1 Gen3
- 1PM Gen3
- 2PM Gen3
- i4 Gen3
- PlugS Gen3
- Plus Uni
- Sensor Support for ShellyPlusUni / ShellyUNI
- Initial Power Measurement Support on Mini1PMG3/+1PMMini
- +2PM and 2PMG3 Powermeter: Use original calibration values from Device partition
- +2PM HW REV01: fix powermeasurement
- +1PM do not read power coefficients / enable updating
Note that reverting for PlugS Gen3 it is currently not possible at all
Note: Some users experienced issues with this Firmware on 2PM Gen3, though for some it worked fine. Please be sure to upgrade to latest stock before using this alpha firmware
Please provide experience and feedback in the corresponding discussion
Full Changelog: 2.13.3...2.14.0-alpha4