BTCMarkets provides REST API to their service in number of programming languages, except C++. To rectify this problem, this library was created.
The library uses header only json library and cpr library as a wrapper for libcurl for making get and post requests to the btcmakrets api service.
For most commands, public api_key
and secret private_key
are required
for authentication for your account. The keys are provided to you by btcmarkets
in your Account/API key section.
BTCMarkets requires correct timestamps to be added to authentication requests. This timestamp should be within +/- 30 seconds of their server timestamp. In Linux this shouldn't be a problem. But just in case, the library has an option to specify timezone-offset, in seconds, if timestamp adjustments are required due to differences in your and the server timestamps.
sudo apt install git build-essential cmake libboost-program-options-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
sudo pacman -Sy git base-devel cmake boost curl openssl
git clone --recursive
cd btcmarkets-cpp && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
After successful compilation, btcmarketsexamples
binary should be generated.
btcmarketexamples - example program showcasing using BtcMarkets C++11 RESTfull API:
-h [ --help ] produce help message
-a [ --api-key ] arg btcmarkets api key
-p [ --private-key ] arg private key provided by btcmarkets to you
-c [ --command ] arg (=tick) api command to execute: tick, order_book,
order_history, trade_history, open_orders,
create_order, cancel_order, trades,
order_detail, account_balance
-t [ --trade-pair ] arg (=BTC/AUD) instrument/currency pair: BTC/AUD,
--price arg price when making an order
--volume arg volume of the order
--side arg (=Bid) side of order: Bid, Ask
--type arg (=Limit) type of the order: Market, Limit
--limit arg (=10) number of past orders to fetch
--since arg (=0) from when to fetch the past orders
--timestamp-offset arg (=0) offset, in seconds, between your and
btcmarkerts timestamps
--order-id arg id number of an order to cancel or check
Default execution: BTC/AUD tick (no authentication required)
ETH/BTC tick (no authentication required)
./btcmarketsexamples -t ETH/BTC
DAO/ETH order book (no authentication required)
./btcmarketsexamples -t DAO/ETH -c order_book
DAO/ETH order book (no authentication required)
./btcmarketsexamples -t DAO/ETH -c order_book
Recent LTC/AUD trades (no authentication required)
Only part of the result shown.
./btcmarketsexamples -t LTC/AUD -c trades
Also can limit number of recent trends, by providing trade id to start from.
./btcmarketsexamples -c trades -t LTC/AUD --since 101894809
Account balance (authentication required)
Values in the example output were replaced with dummy values for privacy reasons.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c account_balance
Create order (authentication required)
A Bid(default) and Limit (default) order to buy 1 ETH for 18.17 AUD.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c create_order -t ETH/AUD --price 19.17 --volume 1
An Ask and Limit (default) order to sell 1.5 ETH for 20.01 AUD.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c create_order -t ETH/AUD --price 20.01 --volume 1.5 --side Ask
An Ask and Market order to sell 10 DAO using ETH.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c create_order -t DAO/ETH --volume 10.0 --side Ask --type Market
Cancel order (authentication required)
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c cancel_order --order-id 102662870
Order details (authentication required)
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c order_detail --order-id 102510625
Order history (authentication required)
Show last two orders of to buy ETH using AUD.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c order_history -t ETH/AUD --limit 2
Open orders (authentication required)
Show last open orders of to buy ETH using BTC.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c order_history -t ETH/BTC --limit 1
Trades history (authentication required)
Show last trade to buy DAO using ETH.
./btcmarketsexamples -a public_api_key -p secret_private_key -c trade_history -t DAO/ETH --limit 1
Constructive criticism, code and website edits are always good. They can be made through github.
Some Monero are also welcome: