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Matthew Brush edited this page May 30, 2019 · 11 revisions

Definition: The actions taken by a particular Agent in the creation, modification, assessment, or deprecation of an artifact.

Supertypes: Activity

Description: The 'Qualified Contribution' model shown above uses instances of the Contribution class to organize information about the way an Agent contributed to an artifact - including when, where, how, and on whose behalf contributions were made. The scope of a Contribution instance includes only the actions of a single agent in contributing to a particular artifact - which may be performed in one continuous effort, or multiple discrete sessions of work. The contributing agent can be a single individual, or an organization of multiple individuals acting together.

Information Model

Attribute Value Cardinality Description
has_agent Agent 1..1 The Agent making the Contribution.
activity_date xsd:dateTime 1..1 The date the Contribution was made.
activity_location string 1..m A description of the location or locations where the contribution was made
realizes Agent Role 1..m A role indicating a specific type of contribution made by the agent (e.g. 'creator', 'validator', 'curator').
is_specified_by Method 0..m A Method that describes how all or part of the contribution was performed
agent_for Agent 0..m A separate Agent, typically an Organization, on whose behalf an Agent makes a Contribution.

Implementation Guidance

  • Qualified Contributions can be used instead of direct 'has contributor' links between an artifact and an Agent, in cases where additional context about the Contribution made by the Agent needs to be captured - e.g. to when, where, how, and on whose behalf.
  • In cases where multiple roles played by an Agent need to be recorded, these can be listed together in the same Contribution instance, or split into separate Contribution instances if it is important to capture the separate time or location where each role was realized.

Jump to: Information Content Entity | Assertion | Evidence Item | Evidence Line | Agent | Activity | Statement | Proposition

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