Tracks student attendance at FRC robotics team meetings.
Check students in or out as they arrive at or depart from team meetings.
Users can be assigned one of three roles: none, student-lead, or mentor. Users with no role cannot access the application, student-leads have only limited access, and mentors have full access.
Various statistics concerning every student's attendance is tracked: total time spent at meetings, number of meetings attended, number of missed checkouts, and a list of attendance sessions.
Student attendance data can be exported to csv for external processing.
The end of team meetings can be registered manually or automatically, which will mark all students as checked out.
Students can be deleted or un-deleted in bulk. Also, every student's expected graduation year can be tracked, and graduated students can be automatically removed from the application.
- Clone the repo and cd into the clone.
git clone [email protected]:momentumfrc/attendance-manager.git && cd attendance-manager
- Open the attendance-api folder in vscode.
code attendance-api
You may be prompted to install recommended extensions. You should do so.
In the vscode console, run the following to set up the api.
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan storage:link
7. Open the attendance-web folder in a separate vscode window.
code attendance-api
8. Again, when prompted, choose to reopen in container.
9. Open a web browser and navigate to <http://localhost/>. Note: it might take a while for the
application to start up. If the page fails to load, try again in a few minutes.