Check this out for the full note: Journey to HyDE and beyond
The installation script is designed for a minimal Arch Linux install, but may work on some Arch-based distros. While installing HyDE alongside another DE/WM should work, due to it being a heavily customized setup, it will conflict with your GTK/Qt theming, Shell, SDDM, GRUB, etc. and is at your own risk.
For Nixos support there is a separate project being maintained @ Hydenix
The install script will auto-detect an NVIDIA card and install nvidia-dkms drivers for your kernel. Please ensure that your NVIDIA card supports dkms drivers in the list provided here.
The script modifies your grub
or systemd-boot
config to enable NVIDIA DRM.
To install, execute the following commands:
pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone --depth 1 ~/HyDE
cd ~/HyDE/Scripts
You can also add any other apps you wish to install alongside HyDE to Scripts/pkg_user.lst
and pass the file as a parameter to install it like so:
./ pkg_user.lst
Refer your list from Scripts/pkg_extra.lst
or you can cp Scripts/pkg_extra.lst Scripts/pkg_user.lst
if you wish to install all extra packages.
Please reboot after the install script completes and takes you to the SDDM login screen (or black screen) for the first time. For more details, please refer to the installation wiki.
To update HyDE, you will need to pull the latest changes from GitHub and restore the configs by running the following commands:
cd ~/HyDE/Scripts
git pull origin master
./ -r
Please note that any configurations you made will be overwritten if listed to be done so as listed by Scripts/restore_cfg.psv
However, all replaced configs are backed up and may be recovered from in ~/.config/cfg_backups
All our official themes are stored in a separate repository, allowing users to install them using themepatcher. For more information, visit HyDE-Project/hyde-themes.
Everyone, including you can create, maintain, and share additional themes, all of which can be installed using themepatcher! To create your own custom theme, please refer to the theming wiki. If you wish to have your hyde theme showcased, or you want to find some non-official themes, visit kRHYME7/hyde-gallery!