This is a plugin for Tshock, helps to track explosives(Bomb, Dynamite, etc... ) usage.
- Download latest released files and unzip it.
- Put all .dll files to Tshock/ServerPlugins folder.
- (Re)start tshock server.
- You will see "[Server API] Info Plugin TshockLogs_Explosives vX.X.X.X (by [email protected]) initiated" message on console if plugin loaded.
A config "TshockLogs_Explosives_Config.json" will be created at tshock folder(same place with other tshock config files).
You can edit it and "reload" server to apply new setings while server is running.
"ShowOnConsole": false, //Sets to true to show logs on console.
"Explosives": [ //Explosives to be track. simply remove it from array to ignore.
Explosives usage will be logged at Tshock log file.
2017-08-02 03:03:27 - TextLog: INFO: UserB throws Dynamite at (66483.73,2534)
2017-08-02 05:51:14 - TextLog: INFO: UserA throws Bomb at (67192.53,6445.662)