This is a Laravel 4/5 package that hooks up SquizLabs CodeSniffer 2 into Laravel-based apps. It can also be used manually, so read on.
Detect violations of a defined coding standard. It helps your code remain clean and consistent. Available options are: PSR2, PSR1, Zend, PEAR, Squiz, PHPCS and SocialEngine.
Require this package in composer:
$ composer require socialengine/sniffer-rules
In your config/app.php
add 'SocialEngine\SnifferRules\ServiceProvider'
to $providers
'providers' => [
$ php artisan vendor:publish
Copy config to
Edit configuration file config/sniffer-rules.php
to tweak the sniffer behavior.
Install our Standard by configuring PHP_CodeSniffer to look for it.
$ php ./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths ./vendor/socialengine/src/Socialengine/SnifferRules/Standard/
$ php artisan sniff
To run the sniffer in a CI environment, the -n
option should be set to remove
$ php artisan sniff -n
$ php ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=SocialEngine path/to/code
It's encouraged to add a Makefile
to your project that makes it
trivial for other developers. Use Makefile
in this directory and adjust as
needed to fit your project requirements.
In combination with the Makefile
, Travis has issues finding the
standard, we had to add a before_script
to make it work. See
Unum repo for example.
before_script: php ./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths "`pwd`/vendor/socialengine/sniffer-rules/src/SocialEngine/SnifferRules/Standard/"
should be on the same line as opening php tag. e.g.:<?php namespace SocialEngine\Amazing
- Property names should be camelCase
- Test names should use underscores, not camelCase. e.g.: