Exploration code for ReDI's InternetoPlants for kids workshop. Sensing plant related environmental paramters with Arduino and recording/plotting/processing them in Python.
- install Arduino IDE and sensor librries
- install Arduino IDE
- Add Adafruit board support: in the Arduino IDE Menu->Preferences add https://adafruit.github.io/arduino-board-index/package_adafruit_index.json to the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" line, confirm with OK
- Install board drivers: in Arduino IDE Menu->Tools->Boards Manager search for "Adafruit samd boards" and select the 1.5.x version
- Install sensor drivers: in the Arduino IDE Menu->Tools->Manage Libraries search and install "Adafruit Unified Sensor" (on the bottom), "Adafruit seesaw", "Adafruit TSL2591", "DHT sensor library" (by adafruit), "Adafruit Neopixel" (for M0)
- select the board: Arduino->Tools->Board then select Adafruit Feather Express M0
- compile: press "verify" (check button in the top left) the sensor_stream library and check if everythings runs ok
- compile and install: press "upload" (arrow right in the button top left)
- open the serial monitor: in Arduino IDE Menu->Tools->Serial Monitor , data should be printed
- install requirements (jupyter, pandas, pyserial) using you package manager of choice (pip, conda)
- check the serial connection of the Arduino device on your machine and and modify the
variable - execute/process/visualise in the jupyter
- robustness
- python env and dependencies
- documentation