An insecure alternative WebVR stack for the HTC Vive on Linux. Intended for software development, not browsing.
See packages/electro-webvr/ for more information.
Obtain the OS dependencies mentioned in
If you don't already use your Vive with linux, you will need to set up device permissions.
git clone
cd node-webvr-alt-stack
Prepare the mono repo,
npm install
npm run clean-bootstrap
Download the Vive device driver files,
npm run get-driver
This will download and run SteamCMD, which will need a Steam username and password, and likely a Steam Guard response. steamvr-lighthouse-driver-download has more information.
Now build and test,
npm run setup
It's ok if there's a longish pause.
If that wasn't red, installation worked, and is finished.
If it failed, try simply
cd packages/electro-webvr
npm install
npm test
cd packages/electro-webvr
./bin/electro-webvr-unsafe examples/welcome.html
Read packages/electro-webvr/
What about MacOS? Electron should work. And node-gyp. These modules would be easily patched. Three potential issues come to mind. (1) Getting Valve's MacOS drivers to sanely build. On linux, that required patchelf-ing the library. (2) Does the mac driver even work? While there were a few reports suggesting the linux driver would actually work, I know of none for the mac driver. (3) Getting device access permissions right was non-trivial on linux.