Permify is an open source authorization service for creating fine-grained and scalable authorization systems.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v1.2.3
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Generator version: 7.11.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Python 3.8+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import permify_async
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import permify_async
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import permify_async
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = permify_async.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with permify_async.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = permify_async.BundleApi(api_client)
tenant_id = 'tenant_id_example' # str | Identifier of the tenant, if you are not using multi-tenancy (have only one tenant) use pre-inserted tenant <code>t1</code> for this field. Required, and must match the pattern \\“[a-zA-Z0-9-,]+\\“, max 64 bytes.
body = permify_async.BundleDeleteBody() # BundleDeleteBody |
# delete bundle
api_response = await api_instance.bundle_delete(tenant_id, body)
print("The response of BundleApi->bundle_delete:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling BundleApi->bundle_delete: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BundleApi | bundle_delete | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/bundle/delete | delete bundle |
BundleApi | bundle_read | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/bundle/read | read bundle |
BundleApi | bundle_write | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/bundle/write | write bundle |
DataApi | bundle_run | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/data/run-bundle | run bundle |
DataApi | data_attributes_read | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/data/attributes/read | read attributes |
DataApi | data_delete | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/data/delete | delete data |
DataApi | data_relationships_read | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/data/relationships/read | read relationships |
DataApi | data_write | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/data/write | write data |
DataApi | relationships_delete | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/relationships/delete | delete relationships |
DataApi | relationships_write | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/relationships/write | write relationships |
PermissionApi | permissions_check | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/permissions/check | check api |
PermissionApi | permissions_expand | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/permissions/expand | expand api |
PermissionApi | permissions_lookup_entity | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/permissions/lookup-entity | lookup entity |
PermissionApi | permissions_lookup_entity_stream | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/permissions/lookup-entity-stream | lookup entity stream |
PermissionApi | permissions_lookup_subject | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/permissions/lookup-subject | lookup-subject |
PermissionApi | permissions_subject_permission | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/permissions/subject-permission | subject permission |
SchemaApi | schemas_list | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/schemas/list | list schema |
SchemaApi | schemas_partial_write | PATCH /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/schemas/partial-write | partially update your authorization model |
SchemaApi | schemas_read | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/schemas/read | read schema |
SchemaApi | schemas_write | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/schemas/write | write schema |
TenancyApi | tenants_create | POST /v1/tenants/create | create tenant |
TenancyApi | tenants_delete | DELETE /v1/tenants/{id} | delete tenant |
TenancyApi | tenants_list | POST /v1/tenants/list | list tenants |
WatchApi | watch_watch | POST /v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/watch | watch changes |
- AbstractType
- Any
- Argument
- Attribute
- AttributeDefinition
- AttributeFilter
- AttributeReadRequestMetadata
- AttributeReadResponse
- AttributeType
- BundleDeleteBody
- BundleDeleteResponse
- BundleReadBody
- BundleReadResponse
- BundleRunResponse
- BundleWriteBody
- BundleWriteResponse
- CheckBody
- CheckResult
- CheckedExpr
- Child
- Comprehension
- ComputedAttribute
- ComputedUserSet
- Constant
- Context
- CreateList
- CreateStruct
- DataBundle
- DataChange
- DataChangeOperation
- DataChanges
- DataDeleteBody
- DataDeleteResponse
- DataWriteBody
- DataWriteRequestMetadata
- DataWriteResponse
- DeleteRelationshipsBody
- Entity
- EntityDefinition
- EntityDefinitionReference
- EntityFilter
- Entry
- ExpandLeaf
- ExpandTreeNode
- ExpandTreeNodeOperation
- Expr
- ExprCall
- FunctionType
- Ident
- Leaf
- ListType
- LookupEntityBody
- LookupEntityStreamBody
- LookupSubjectBody
- MapType
- NullValue
- PartialWriteBody
- Partials
- PermissionCheckRequestMetadata
- PermissionCheckResponse
- PermissionCheckResponseMetadata
- PermissionDefinition
- PermissionExpandBody
- PermissionExpandRequestMetadata
- PermissionExpandResponse
- PermissionLookupEntityRequestMetadata
- PermissionLookupEntityResponse
- PermissionLookupEntityStreamResponse
- PermissionLookupSubjectRequestMetadata
- PermissionLookupSubjectResponse
- PermissionSubjectPermissionRequestMetadata
- PermissionSubjectPermissionResponse
- PrimitiveType
- ReadAttributesBody
- ReadRelationshipsBody
- RelationDefinition
- RelationReference
- RelationshipDeleteResponse
- RelationshipReadRequestMetadata
- RelationshipReadResponse
- RelationshipWriteRequestMetadata
- RelationshipWriteResponse
- Rewrite
- RewriteOperation
- RuleDefinition
- RunBundleBody
- SchemaDefinition
- SchemaDefinitionReference
- SchemaList
- SchemaListBody
- SchemaListResponse
- SchemaPartialWriteRequestMetadata
- SchemaPartialWriteResponse
- SchemaReadBody
- SchemaReadRequestMetadata
- SchemaReadResponse
- SchemaWriteBody
- SchemaWriteResponse
- Select
- SourceInfo
- Status
- StreamResultOfPermissionLookupEntityStreamResponse
- StreamResultOfWatchResponse
- StringArrayValue
- Subject
- SubjectFilter
- SubjectPermissionBody
- Subjects
- Tenant
- TenantCreateRequest
- TenantCreateResponse
- TenantDeleteResponse
- TenantListRequest
- TenantListResponse
- Tuple
- TupleFilter
- TupleSet
- TupleToUserSet
- V1Call
- V1Expand
- V1Operation
- V1alpha1Reference
- V1alpha1Type
- Values
- WatchBody
- WatchResponse
- WellKnownType
- WriteRelationshipsBody
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header