Why developers love CRUD? Because it's easy to automate work around it. Why developers hate DDD/CQRS? Boilerplates.
Using this small app proophgen
and single 15th lines yaml
file you can generate a project that contains 48 files (with phpspec tests!) and start coding. No more boilerplates.
You can also use singe command to create your ValueObject, Command and AggregateRoot with Events.
- Examples
- Create single ValueObject
- Create single Command
- Create single AggregateRoot with Events
- Id Policy
- Installation
This is your yaml
idPolicy: Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface # or string (default value)
- Model\ValueObject\Mail
- Model\ValueObject\Name
- Model\ValueObject\Password
- Model\Command\RegisterUser
- Model\Command\LoginUser
- !UserRegistered
- !EmailIdentityCreated
- UserToIdentityAssigned
- UserLogged
There is your command to run:
$ proophgen do
And there is your result (since v0.1.10):
./src/Infrastructure/Identity/EventSourced.php ✔ 2042 21:06:28
You need to run that command:
proophgen vo Model/ValueObject/FirstName
As a result you should to see something similar to:
Creating files:
[v] ./src/Model/ValueObject/FirstName.php
[v] ./spec/Model/ValueObject/FirstNameSpec.php
You need to run that command:
proophgen c Model/Command/RemoveUser
As a result you should to see something similar to:
Creating files:
[v] ./src/Model/Command/RemoveUser.php
[v] ./src/Model/CommandHandler/RemoveUserHandler.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Command/RemoveUserSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/CommandHandler/RemoveUserHandlerSpec.php
You need to run that command:
proophgen ar Model/Admin \!AdminCreated AdminRemoved AdminBlocked
As a result you should to see something similar to:
Creating files:
[v] ./src/Model/Admin.php
[v] ./src/Model/AdminRepository.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Exception/AdminNotFound.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Event/AdminCreated.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Guard/AdminCreatedGuard.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Event/AdminRemoved.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Guard/AdminRemovedGuard.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Event/AdminBlocked.php
[v] ./src/Model/Admin/Guard/AdminBlockedGuard.php
[v] ./src/Infrastructure/Admin/InMemory.php
[v] ./src/Infrastructure/Admin/EventSourced.php
[v] ./spec/Model/AdminSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Infrastructure/Admin/EventSourcedSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Exception/AdminNotFoundSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Infrastructure/Admin/InMemorySpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Event/AdminCreatedSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Guard/AdminCreatedGuardSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Event/AdminRemovedSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Guard/AdminRemovedGuardSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Event/AdminBlockedSpec.php
[v] ./spec/Model/Admin/Guard/AdminBlockedGuardSpec.php
As default proophgen
generates all ids as string. If you wish you can change it just running this variant of previous commands:
For aggregate root:
proophgen ar --id-policy="Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface" Model/Admin \!AdminCreated AdminRemoved AdminBlocked
For command:
proophgen c --id-policy="Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface" Model/Command/RemoveUser
There is a few way to use proophgen
Go to releases page on github and download proophgen.phar
mv ~/Downloads/proophgen.phar /usr/local/bin/proophgen
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/proophgen
Just run that command:
docker run -v $(pwd):/var/www proophgen/proophgen
You can add proophgen
directly to your project as dev
dependency but then your project and proophgen
will be sharing a whole dependencies and some conflicts can happened.
composer require --dev pilsniak/proophgen