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CIS 450 Program 2

Team Members:
Michael Ingrody
Christopher Sims

Source Files:
simulation.cpp					//Main program file.
AdmissionScheduler.h		//Header file for the admission scheduler class
CPUScheduler.h					//Header file for the CPU Scheduler class
Job.h										//Header file for the job class
JobList.h								//Header file for JobList class
MemoryScheduler.h				//Header file for the MemoryScheduler classes
Stats.h									//Header file for the Stats clas
AdmissionScheduler.cpp	//Implementation for the Admission Scheduler class
CPUScheduler.cpp				//Implementation for the CPUSCheduler class
Job.cpp									//Implementation for job class
JobList.cpp							//Implementation for the JobList class
MemoryScheduler.cpp			//Implementation for the MemortScheduler classes
Stats.cpp								//Implementation for the Stats class

Work Assignments:
Makefile						//Christopher Sims
Job/JobList					//Christopher Sims
Admission Scheduler //Christopher Sims
Memory Schedulers		//Michael Ingrody
CPU Scheduler				//Christohper Sims
Stats								//Michael Ingrody
Output/Display			//Michael Ingrody/Christohper Sims
Main Program Loop		//Christopher Sims

Executable name: simulator
Parameter 1: Memory Scheduler Algorithm
	0: First Fit
	1: Best Fit
	2: Worst Fit
Parameter 2: input file

simulator 0 datafile1.txt
simulator 1 datafile2.txt

Sample Output (datafile1, first fit):
000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa________________________________
064 ________________________________________________________________
128 ________________________________________________________________
192 ________________________________________________________________
Percent Holes: 87.5%
The Process States at Time 0

Job#     |Current | Running | Ready | Waiting | DataSize | Arrival | Complete
         | State  |         |       |         |          |  Time   |   Time  
pid    0 |Running |       1 |     0 |       0 |       32 |       0 |        0


000 ________________________________________________________________
064 ________________________________________________________________
128 ________________________________________________________________
192 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh__________________________________
Percent Holes: 88.28%

The Process States at Time 167

Job#     |Current | Running | Ready | Waiting | DataSize | Arrival | Complete
         | State  |         |       |         |          |  Time   |   Time  
pid    0 |   Done |      30 |   135 |       0 |       32 |       0 |      164
pid    1 |   Done |       7 |    26 |       0 |       32 |       1 |       33
pid    2 |   Done |      25 |   128 |       0 |       64 |       4 |      156
pid    3 |   Done |       4 |    15 |       0 |       16 |       7 |       25
pid    4 |   Done |      20 |   107 |       0 |       16 |       8 |      134
pid    5 |   Done |      25 |   126 |       0 |       32 |       9 |      159
pid    6 |   Done |      20 |   104 |       0 |       15 |      30 |      153
pid    7 |Running |      24 |   111 |       0 |       30 |      31 |        0
pid    8 |   Done |      11 |    61 |       0 |       62 |      32 |      103

Total simulated time units: 167
Total number of jobs: 9
Average hole percent: 
Average waiting time: 0

Sample Output (datafile2, first fit):
000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa________________________________________________
064 ________________________________________________________________
128 ________________________________________________________________
192 ________________________________________________________________
Percent Holes: 93.75%
The Process States at Time 0

Job#     |Current | Running | Ready | Waiting | DataSize | Arrival | Complete
         | State  |         |       |         |          |  Time   |   Time  
pid    0 |Running |       1 |     0 |       0 |       16 |       0 |        0


000 ________________________________________________________________
064 ________________________________________________________________
128 ________________________________________________________________
192 ________________________________________________________________
Percent Holes: 100%

The Process States at Time 173

Job#     |Current | Running | Ready | Waiting | DataSize | Arrival | Complete
         | State  |         |       |         |          |  Time   |   Time  
pid    0 |   Done |      30 |   143 |       0 |       16 |       0 |      172
pid    1 |   Done |       5 |    14 |       0 |       16 |       1 |       19
pid    2 |   Done |      25 |   128 |       0 |       64 |       2 |      154
pid    3 |   Done |       2 |     4 |       0 |       32 |       3 |        8
pid    4 |   Done |      20 |   101 |       0 |       64 |       4 |      124
pid    5 |   Done |      25 |   126 |       0 |       28 |      20 |      170
pid    6 |   Done |      20 |   110 |       0 |       16 |      40 |      169
pid    7 |   Done |      15 |    92 |       0 |       30 |      42 |      148
pid    8 |   Done |      11 |    70 |       0 |       18 |      45 |      125
pid    9 |   Done |      20 |   106 |       0 |       10 |      46 |      171

Total simulated time units: 173
Total number of jobs: 10
Average hole percent: 
Average waiting time: 0

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Avg Percent and Memory Algorithms Working






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