- 💬 I'm Mei, pronounced like the month May 🌼
LinkedIn: mengmei-tu | Website: IAMMEI | Portfolio
LinkedIn: mengmei-tu | Website: IAMMEI | Portfolio
Forked from thorgriffs/make-your-madlibs
A Mad Lib generator that takes user input and plugs it into a predefined story template. The completed Mad Lib story is displayed and saved to the database to be later viewed in the archives.
A PWA Budget Tracker application that allows users to add expenses and deposits to their budget with or without a connection. When entering transactions offline, they should populate the total when…
JavaScript 1
A Node command-line application that uses inquirer and takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.
JavaScript 2
A weather dashboard that allows to search to view the weather outlook for multiple cities so travelers can plan a trip accordingly.
A command line content management system for employees in a company.