Homebrew tap for tools not (yet) submitted to Homebrew Core.
brew tap blendle/blendle
brew install ...
On Linux, install Linuxbrew first.
edit the formula as you see fit
export FORMULA=<formula> # e.g.: epp brew edit "Formula/$FORMULA.rb"
build a new bottle (binary) of the changes
brew uninstall --force "$FORMULA" brew install "Formula/$FORMULA.rb" --build-bottle
tar the bottle, and retrieve the Ruby code required
brew bottle "Formula/$FORMULA.rb" --root-url=https://homebrew-blendle.storage.googleapis.com # You possibly need to use the option: --force-core-tap
copy the returned code back into the formula Ruby file
bottle do root_url "https://homebrew-blendle.storage.googleapis.com" cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "9e1da44221d6ce25d8f0c2e88cb633fd1e1da99e75034f631d7e82ea1ea2a337" => :sierra end
upload the generated
file to Google Cloud Storage# If you used --force-core-tap, you first need to rename the generated tar so it uses '-' instead of '--'. # Otherwise brew downloading the bottle will not find the correct file. # e.g.: epp--3.1.0.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz to epp-3.1.0.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz gsutil -m cp -n $FORMULA*.bottle.tar.gz gs://homebrew-blendle
copy the changes of your local formula to this repository:
brew cat "Formula/$FORMULA.rb" > "./Formula/$FORMULA.rb"
commit the changed file to the Git repository
git add "Formula/$FORMULA.rb" git commit git push