A C++ library for geographic projections.
The method works on most Unix-like systems including Linux and Mac OS X. Here are the steps to compile and install GeographicLib:
- Unpack the source, running
tar xfpz GeographicLib-1.44.tar.gz
then enter the directory created
cd GeographicLib-1.44
- Create a separate build directory and enter it, for example,
mkdir BUILD
- Configure the software, specifying the path of the source directory, with
- By default GeographicLib will be installed under /usr/local. You can change this with, for example
../configure --prefix=/tmp/geographic
- Compile and install the software with
make install
The headers, library, and utilities are installed in the include/GeographicLib, lib, and bin directories under prefix. For documentation, open share/doc/GeographicLib/html/index.html in a web browser.
- This project and instructions were downloaded from http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net/
- To try out an online solution check out Online geographic coordinate conversions using the GeoConvert utility