Graphpython is a modular Python tool for cross-platform Microsoft Graph API enumeration and exploitation. It builds upon the capabilities of AADInternals (Killchain.ps1), GraphRunner, and TokenTactics(V2) to provide a comprehensive solution for interacting with the Microsoft Graph API for red team and cloud assumed breach operations.
Graphpython covers external reconnaissance, authentication/token manipulation, enumeration, and post-exploitation of various Microsoft services, including Entra ID (Azure AD), Office 365 (Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams), and Intune (Endpoint Management).
Graphpython is designed to be cross-platform, ensuring compatibility with both Windows and Linux based operating systems:
git clone
cd Graphpython
pip install .
Graphpython -h
# or
python3 -h
Please refer to the Wiki for more details
Please refer to the Wiki for more details on the available commands
- Invoke-ReconAsOutsider
- Invoke-UserEnumerationAsOutsider
- Get-GraphTokens
- Get-TenantID
- Get-TokenScope
- Decode-AccessToken
- Invoke-RefreshToMSGraphToken
- Invoke-RefreshToAzureManagementToken
- Invoke-RefreshToVaultToken
- Invoke-RefreshToMSTeamsToken
- Invoke-RefreshToOfficeAppsToken
- Invoke-RefreshToOfficeManagementToken
- Invoke-RefreshToOutlookToken
- Invoke-RefreshToSubstrateToken
- Invoke-RefreshToYammerToken
- Invoke-RefreshToIntuneEnrollmentToken
- Invoke-RefreshToOneDriveToken
- Invoke-RefreshToSharePointToken
- Invoke-CertToAccessToken
- Invoke-ESTSCookieToAccessToken
- Invoke-AppSecretToAccessToken
- New-SignedJWT
- Get-CurrentUser
- Get-CurrentUserActivity
- Get-OrgInfo
- Get-Domains
- Get-User
- Get-UserProperties
- Get-UserGroupMembership
- Get-UserTransitiveGroupMembership
- Get-Group
- Get-GroupMember
- Get-AppRoleAssignments
- Get-ConditionalAccessPolicy
- Get-Application
- Get-AppServicePrincipal
- Get-ServicePrincipal
- Get-ServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignments
- Get-PersonalContacts
- Get-CrossTenantAccessPolicy
- Get-PartnerCrossTenantAccessPolicy
- Get-UserChatMessages
- Get-AdministrativeUnitMember
- Get-OneDriveFiles
- Get-UserPermissionGrants
- Get-oauth2PermissionGrants
- Get-Messages
- Get-TemporaryAccessPassword
- Get-Password
- List-AuthMethods
- List-DirectoryRoles
- List-Notebooks
- List-ConditionalAccessPolicies
- List-ConditionalAuthenticationContexts
- List-ConditionalNamedLocations
- List-SharePointRoot
- List-SharePointSites
- List-SharePointURLs
- List-ExternalConnections
- List-Applications
- List-ServicePrincipals
- List-Tenants
- List-JoinedTeams
- List-Chats
- List-ChatMessages
- List-Devices
- List-AdministrativeUnits
- List-OneDrives
- List-RecentOneDriveFiles
- List-SharedOneDriveFiles
- List-OneDriveURLs
- Invoke-CustomQuery
- Invoke-Search
- Find-PrivilegedRoleUsers
- Find-PrivilegedApplications
- Find-UpdatableGroups
- Find-SecurityGroups
- Find-DynamicGroups
- Update-UserPassword
- Update-UserProperties
- Add-UserTAP
- Add-GroupMember
- Add-ApplicationPassword
- Add-ApplicationCertificate
- Add-ApplicationPermission
- Grant-AppAdminConsent
- Create-Application
- Create-NewUser
- Invite-GuestUser
- Assign-PrivilegedRole
- Open-OWAMailboxInBrowser
- Dump-OWAMailbox
- Spoof-OWAEmailMessage
- Get-ManagedDevices
- Get-UserDevices
- Get-CAPs
- Get-DeviceCategories
- Get-DeviceComplianceSummary
- Get-DeviceConfigurations
- Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicySettings
- Get-DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations
- Get-DeviceGroupPolicyConfigurations
- Get-DeviceGroupPolicyDefinition
- Get-RoleDefinitions
- Get-RoleAssignments
- Get-DeviceCompliancePolicies
- Get-DeviceConfigurationPolicies
- Dump-DeviceManagementScripts
- Dump-WindowsApps
- Dump-iOSApps
- Dump-macOSApps
- Dump-AndroidApps
- Get-ScriptContent
- Backdoor-Script
- Deploy-MaliciousScript
- Deploy-MaliciousWebLink
- Display-AVPolicyRules
- Display-ASRPolicyRules
- Display-DiskEncryptionPolicyRules
- Display-FirewallConfigPolicyRules
- Display-FirewallRulePolicyRules
- Display-EDRPolicyRules
- Display-LAPSAccountProtectionPolicyRules
- Display-UserGroupAccountProtectionPolicyRules
- Add-ExclusionGroupToPolicy
- Reboot-Device
- Lock-Device
- Shutdown-Device
- Update-DeviceConfig
- Delete-User
- Delete-Group
- Remove-GroupMember
- Delete-Application
- Delete-Device
- Wipe-Device
- Retire-Device
- Locate-ObjectID
- Locate-PermissionID
- Locate-DirectoryRole
Please refer to the Wiki for the following demos
- Outsider
- Authentication
- Post-Auth Enumeration
- Post-Auth Exploitation
- Post-Auth Intune Enumeration
- Post-Auth Intune Exploitation
- Cleanup
- Locators
- AADInternals
- GraphRunner
- TokenTactics and TokenTacticsV2
- Update:
- Add nextlink for
- update to flag any privileged directory role app ids green -
- similar to other locator functions but for resolving directory role ids -
- add option to deploy script which copies new windows web app link to all user desktops
- Add nextlink for
- New:
- use IntuneWinAppUtil.exe to package the EXE/MSI and deploy to devices- check also here for managing iOS, Android, LOB apps etc. via graph
- update existing rules for av, asr, etc. policy or deploy a new one with specific groups/devices -
- port mfa sweep and add to outsider commands -
- port from AADInternals
- Options:
- --proxy option