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sethaxen committed Oct 16, 2021
1 parent d9e5951 commit 9357adc
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Showing 2 changed files with 196 additions and 1 deletion.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,17 @@ uuid = "b1d3bc72-d0e7-4279-b92f-7fa5d6d2d454"
authors = ["Seth Axen <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.0"

Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
ForwardDiff = "f6369f11-7733-5829-9624-2563aa707210"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Optim = "429524aa-4258-5aef-a3af-852621145aeb"
PSIS = "ce719bf2-d5d0-4fb9-925d-10a81b42ad04"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsBase = "2913bbd2-ae8a-5f71-8c99-4fb6c76f3a91"
StatsFuns = "4c63d2b9-4356-54db-8cca-17b64c39e42c"

julia = "1"

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186 changes: 185 additions & 1 deletion src/Pathfinder.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,189 @@
module Pathfinder

# Write your package code here.
using Random, LinearAlgebra, Statistics

using Optim: Optim, LineSearches
using PSIS
using StatsBase
using StatsFuns

export pathfinder, multipathfinder

function pathfinder(
rng = Random.default_rng(),
J = 5,
L = 1_000,
K = 5,
M = 5,
θs, logpθs, ∇logpθs = lbfgs(logp, ∇logp, θ₀; J = J, L = L, kwargs...)
L = length(θs) - 1
@assert length(logpθs) == length(∇logpθs) == L + 1
αs, βs, γs = cov_estimate(θs, ∇logpθs; J = J)
ϕ_logqϕ_λ = map(θs, ∇logpθs, αs, βs, γs) do θ, ∇logpθ, α, β, γ
ϕ, logqϕ = bfgs_sample(rng, θ, ∇logpθ, α, β, γ, K)
λ = elbo(logp.(ϕ), logqϕ)
return ϕ, logqϕ, λ
ϕ, logqϕ, λ = ntuple(i -> getindex.(ϕ_logqϕ_λ, i), Val(3))
lopt = argmax(λ[2:end]) + 1
@info "Optimized for $L iterations. Maximum ELBO of $(round(λ[lopt]; digits=2)) reached at iteration $(lopt - 1)."

μopt = θs[lopt] .+ αs[lopt] .* ∇logpθs[lopt]
Σopt = Diagonal(αs[lopt]) + βs[lopt] * γs[lopt] * βs[lopt]'
return μopt, Σopt, ϕ[lopt], logqϕ[lopt]

# multipath-pathfinder
function multipathfinder(
R = length(θ₀s),
rng = Random.default_rng(),
# TODO: allow to be parallelized
res = map(θ₀s) do θ₀
μ, Σ, ϕ, logqϕ = pathfinder(logp, ∇logp, θ₀; rng = rng, kwargs...)
logpϕ = logp.(ϕ)
return μ, Σ, ϕ, logpϕ - logqϕ
μs, Σs, ϕs, logws = ntuple(i -> getindex.(res, i), Val(4))
ϕsvec = reduce(vcat, ϕs)
logwsvec = reduce(vcat, logws)
ϕsample = psir(rng, ϕsvec, logwsvec, R)
return ϕsample

function lbfgs(logp, ∇logp, θ₀; J = 5, L = 1_000, ϵ = 2.2e-16, kwargs...)
f(x) = -logp(x)
g!(y, x) = (y .= .-∇logp(x))

options = Optim.Options(;
store_trace = true,
extended_trace = true,
iterations = L,
optimizer = Optim.LBFGS(; m = J, linesearch = LineSearches.MoreThuente())
res = Optim.optimize(f, g!, θ₀, optimizer, options)

θ = Optim.minimizer(res)
θs = Optim.x_trace(res)::Vector{typeof(θ)}
logpθs = -Optim.f_trace(res)
∇logpθs = map(tr -> -tr.metadata["g(x)"], Optim.trace(res))::typeof(θs)
return θs, logpθs, ∇logpθs

elbo(logpϕ, logqϕ) = mean(logpϕ) - mean(logqϕ)

function psir(rng, ϕ, log_ratios, R)
logw, _ = PSIS.psis(log_ratios; normalize = true)
w = StatsBase.pweights(exp.(logw))
return StatsBase.sample(rng, ϕ, w, R; replace = true)

# Gilbert, J.C., Lemaréchal, C. Some numerical experiments with variable-storage quasi-Newton algorithms.
# Mathematical Programming 45, 407–435 (1989).
function cov_estimate(θs, ∇logpθs; J = 5, ϵ = 1e-12)
L = length(θs) - 1
θ = θs[1]
N = length(θ)
s = similar(θ)
# S = similar(θ, N, J)
S = Vector{typeof(s)}(undef, 0)

∇logpθ = ∇logpθs[1]
y = similar(∇logpθ)
# Y = similar(∇logpθ, N, J)
Y = Vector{typeof(y)}(undef, 0)

α, β, γ = fill!(similar(θ), true), similar(θ, N, 0), similar(θ, 0, 0)
αs = [α]
βs = [β]
γs = [γ]

m = 0
for l = 1:L
s .= θs[l+1] .- θs[l]
y .= ∇logpθs[l] .- ∇logpθs[l+1]
α′ = copy(α)
b = dot(y, s)
if b > ϵ * sum(abs2, y) # curvature is positive, safe to update inverse Hessian
# replace oldest stored s and y with new ones
push!(S, copy(s))
push!(Y, copy(y))
m += 1

if length(S) > J

# Gilbert et al, eq 4.9
a = dot(y, Diagonal(α), y)
c = dot(s, Diagonal(inv.(α)), s)
@. α′ = b / (a / α + y^2 - (a / c) * (s / α)^2)
α = α′
@warn "Skipping inverse Hessian update to avoid negative curvature."
push!(αs, α)

J′ = length(S) # min(m, J)
β = similar(θ, N, 2J′)
γ = fill!(similar(θ, 2J′, 2J′), false)
for j = 1:J′
yⱼ = Y[j]
sⱼ = S[j]
β[1:N, j] .= α .* yⱼ
β[1:N, J′+j] .= sⱼ
for i = 1:(j-1)
γ[J′+i, J′+j] = dot(S[i], yⱼ)
γ[J′+j, J′+j] = dot(sⱼ, yⱼ)
R = @views UpperTriangular(γ[J′+1:2J′, J′+1:2J′])
nRinv = @views UpperTriangular(γ[1:J′, J′+1:2J′])
copyto!(nRinv, -I)
ldiv!(R, nRinv)
nRinv′ = @views LowerTriangular(copyto!(γ[J′+1:2J′, 1:J′], nRinv'))
for j = 1:J′
αyⱼ = β[1:N, j]
for i = 1:(j-1)
γ[J′+i, J′+j] = dot(Y[i], αyⱼ)
γ[J′+j, J′+j] += dot(Y[j], αyⱼ)
γ22 = @view γ[J′+1:2J′, J′+1:2J′]
LinearAlgebra.copytri!(γ22, 'U', false, false)
rmul!(γ22, nRinv)
lmul!(nRinv′, γ22)

push!(βs, β)
push!(γs, γ)
return αs, βs, γs

function bfgs_sample(rng, θ, ∇logpθ, α, β, γ, M)
N = length(θ)
F = qr./ sqrt.(α))
Q = Matrix(F.Q)
R = F.R
L = cholesky(Symmetric(I + R * Symmetric(γ) * R')).L
logdetΣ = sum(log, α) + 2logdet(L)
μ = β **' * ∇logpθ))
μ .+= θ .+ α .* ∇logpθ
u = randn(rng, N, M)
ϕ = μ .+ sqrt.(α) .* (Q * ((L - I) * (Q' * u)) .+ u)
logqϕ = ((logdetΣ + N * log2π) .+ sum.(abs2, eachcol(u))) ./ -2
return map(collect, eachcol(ϕ)), logqϕ


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