Atomic • TodoMVC
Write ClojureScript in JavaScript without a transpiler.
Atomic apps build on this advice. This is demonstrated in the separation of
- its functional core and
- its imperative shell.
User interactions such as adding tasks effect abrupt changes to the UI. Graceful animations are possible but slightly increase the implementation complexity.
From the command line project root:
npm install
static # e.g. launch the static server of your choice
Then open your browser to the server address shown in the shell to see the app.
See demo.
Open the browser console in Developer Tools. Enter cmd()
to gain access to commands and stateful components to aid your interactivity. Note what's being written to the log as you interact with the app.
Enter $state
into the console, for example, to access the world state. Swap updates against it as desired.
Created by Mario T. Lanza