Stati is a set of macros to do simple state manipulation, where state is a mixture of encapsulated maps and arrays.
Lets assume there is a variable state with the value
state = %{ user: %{name: "foo", password: "bar"}, something: %{else: "bar"} }
and you want to change the password to "BAR" then you would normally do
${state | user: %{ state.user | password: "BAR" }}
which is kind of ugly and becomes even worse if you have more levels. With Stati it is done by
Stati.change(state.user.password = "BAR")
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
Add stati to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:stati, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Ensure stati is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:stati]] end