Regenpfeifer (German stenography system) support for Plover.
For now it only remaps the top S- to Z- but it is planned to add orthography rules in the future.
In the versions lower than 1.0.0, -Z was remapped to -N but this was reverted as described on
The dictionary is generated with the corresponding version of using the word list from
Since the regenpfeifer dictionary will change in the future, it it highly recommended to create a separate dictionary with your own mappings.
To install the cloned git repository, you can run the following command:
.\plover_console.exe -s plover_plugins install <path-to-plover-regenpfeifer-git-repo>
/Applications/ -s plover_plugins install <path-to-plover-regenpfeifer-git-repo>
Special thanks to Benoit Pierre, Ted Morin, and Nicholas Markopoulos for providing source code and valuable hints on how to set up the plugin.
This plugin is licensed under GPLv3, or any later version.