git clone https://[email protected]/amokrushin/bitbucket-redis-geospartial-gmap.git redis-geospartial-gmap
cd redis-geospartial-gmap
npm i --production
cp config.defaults.json config.json # make config.json file from default one
nano config.json # set config values
pm2 start pm2-production.json # start app in production mode
npm run force-update # reset changes except of ignored files like config.json then pull updates
npm update # update node modules
npm run deploy # frontend build
pm2 start pm2-production.json # restart app
git clone https://[email protected]/amokrushin/bitbucket-redis-geospartial-gmap.git dev.redis-geospartial-gmap
cd dev.redis-geospartial-gmap
npm i # install all dependencies
cp config.defaults.json config.json # make config.json file from default one
nano config.json # set config values
pm2 start pm2-development.json # start app in development mode
npm run force-update
pm2 start pm2-development.json
node ./bin/admin
local@redis-geospartial-gmap~$ help
help [command...] Provides help for a given command.
exit Exits application.
flush-model [model]
rebuild-index [model]
Generate keypair
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/bitbucket-redis-geospartial-gmap
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/bitbucket-redis-geospartial-gmap*
Add the public key to
Manage Account > SSH Keys > Add Key
Add private key to local session
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/bitbucket-redis-geospartial-gmap
Test SSH Access
$ ssh -T [email protected]