Render engine extension for PostgreSQL.
-- PostgreSQL extension
create extension pg_render;
-- Serve /index using postgREST
create function api.index() returns "text/html" as $$
-- Render HTML template with pg_render
select render(
<title>{{ title }}</title>
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ text }}</p>
<strong>{{ author }}</strong>
(select to_json(props) from (select title, text, author from posts where id = 1) props)
# HTTP GET /index
<p>Example text</p>
<strong>Example author</strong>
Download from Releases.
# On Ubuntu w/ PostgreSQL 16
wget \
&& dpkg -i pg_render-v0.1.2-pg16-amd64-linux-gnu.deb \
&& apt-get install -f \
&& rm -rf pg_render-v0.1.2-pg16-amd64-linux-gnu.deb
# In PostgreSQL
create extension pg_render;
See more examples in pg_render_example project, and how to use pg_render with PostgREST.
Example Data
create table posts (id serial primary key, title text not null, text text not null, author text not null);
insert into posts (title, text, author) values
('Title 1', 'Example content 1', 'Author 1'),
('Title 2', 'Example content 2', 'Author 2'),
('Title 3', 'Example content 3', 'Author 3');
create table templates (id text primary key, template text not null);
insert into templates (id, template) values ('example', '<header>{{ title }}</header><article>{{ text }}</article>');
Render a template with the query result.
-- render a single value
select render('Total posts: {{ value }}', (select count(*) from posts));
-- render a single column from a single row
select render('Title: {{ value }}', (select title as value from posts where id = 1));
-- render multiple columns from a single row
select render('Title: {{ title }}, Text: {{ text }}', (select to_json(props) from (select title, text from posts where id = 1) props));
-- render array of values by looping in template
select render('{% for value in values %} {{ value }} {% endfor %}', (select array(select title from posts)));
-- render multiple rows with multiple columns
'{% for row in rows %} {{ row.title }} - {{ row.text }} - {{ }} {% endfor %}',
from posts;
-- render from saved template
select render(
(select template from templates where id = 'example'),
(select to_json(props) from (
select title, text
from posts
where title = 'Title 3') props
Render multiple rows with aggregate render function. Eg. render a template for all posts queried.
-- render aggregate with single column
select render_agg('{{ value }}', title) from posts where id < 3;
-- render aggregate using derived table
select render_agg('{{ title }} {{ text }}', props) from (select title, text from posts) as props;
-- render aggregate using json_build_object
select render_agg('{{ title }} {{ text }}', json_build_object('title', title, 'text', text)) from posts;
select render_agg('<article><h1>{{ title }}</h1><p>{{ text }}</p></article>', props)
from (select title, text from posts limit 3) as props;
<article><h1>Title 1</h1><p>Content for Post 1</p></article>
<article><h1>Title 2</h1><p>Content for Post 2</p></article>
<article><h1>Title 2</h1><p>Content for Post 3</p></article>
Made with
- Liquid templating language via liquid-rust
- pgrx Rust extension framework for PostgreSQL
# clone this repo
cargo install --locked cargo-pgrx
cargo pgrx init
cargo pgrx run
cargo pgrx run pg14
make test