A simple Higher or Lower game made using COBOL (Heck yeah thats old)
- Higher or Lower basic functionalities
- Exit the game while playing
- Difficulty system
- Score reward based on the difficulty
Despite the fact that it's an old programing language it's still powering a lot of banking application and airline ticketing All those apps mainly runs on the IBM Mainframe or as it's called the big iron
To go further on how and why COBOL is still in use i can recommend you read these articles :
- Why COBOL a 60 year old language is comming back
- The inevitable return of COBOL
- The future of cobol is now
You have two ways of running the game :
- Use the precompiled executable in the bin folder
- Compile the binaries yourself with the cobc COBOL compiler
simply run the .exe file in the bin folder called Higher-or-Lower.exe
Note That since it was compiled on a windows machine i dont know if the binaries are compatible with Linux or Mac system and will recommand compiling the binaries yourself
To compile the binaries by yourself you will firstly need one of the two :
- OpenCobolIDE (Official download link)
- GnuCOBOL (Official download link)
you can use either of these to compile the .cbl file named Higher-or-Lower.cbl it will produce an executable that you will be able to run on your platform and enjoy