This repo is supplementary to the 2024 paper 'Procedurally Optimised ZX-Diagram Cutting for Efficient T-Decomposition in Classical Simulation' by Matthew Sutcliffe and Aleks Kissinger.
Included is a Jupyter notebook (and PDF copy, for those not wanting to run the notebook) which showcases the procedure outlined in the paper, with examples and explanations, as well as ready benchmarking experiments with which one can reproduce the results we show in the paper.
Anyone is welcome to use this work, and for those who do it would be appreciated if you cite the related paper
@article{Sutcliffe_2024, title={Procedurally Optimised ZX-Diagram Cutting for Efficient T-Decomposition in Classical Simulation}, volume={406}, ISSN={2075-2180}, url={}, DOI={10.4204/eptcs.406.3}, journal={Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science}, publisher={Open Publishing Association}, author={Sutcliffe, Matthew and Kissinger, Aleks}, year={2024}, month=aug, pages={63–78} }