ESP File Manager for NodeMCU (ESP8266)
See the aptly named help.html for complete setup and usage details.
Edit cfg.lua to determine whether it will initialize WiFi as a station (default) or AP, determined by the value of cfg.Mode. If you leave it in station mode you'll still need to edit cfg.lua to set the SSID and password for your WiFi.
The files wificfgsvr.lua, server.lua and fileupload.lua are bundled into lfs.img, see the NodeMCU docs for a full discussion of LFS. To run without it, comment the third line of init.lua that reads: dofile("_init.lua") Editing wificfgsvr.lua, server.lua and fileupload.lua will have no effect while LFS is enabled.
The default file is index.html, the one provided merely loads files.html. Just browse to the IP address of your ESP8266 to load it into your browser.