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Traktor Cue Storage Format

MixMasterG edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 22 revisions

1. MIXXX support

Traktor uses XML to store metadata. Currently MIXXX imports the filenames, but not the cue points.

2. Alternatives

There are several programs that are able to achieve this conversion. The most complete programs are proprietary and for MacOS only. Windows users and/or opensource is a lot more limited.

Proprietary programs:
  • Rekord Buddy: two way sync between Traktor, RekordBox, Serato libraries. MacOS Only
  • DJ Conversion Utility(DJCU): Two way conversion from Traktor and Serato To/From Rekordbox.One way conversion from Virtual DJ to Rekordbox. One way conversion from Rekordbox to iTunes, djay Pro 2. The out put from one conversion step can serve as input for the next without the use of Rekordbox in between. With the aid from another app the Denon Conversion Utility (DeCU) DJCU can convert from all its source platforms to Denon Prime as well. MacOS Only
  • CrossDJ: Imports Traktor, exports Rekordbox. PC and Mac
Open Source programs (PC and Mac):

3. Cues shifted in time issue

All the above converters, and probably MIXXX in the future, are susceptible to the following issue: For some mp3s, all cues will be shifted in time for a constant number of samples. This issue depends on the actual decoder definition of the 00:00:00 time point ( more info here)


Only some converters specifically address this issue. Known successes are:

  • Rekordbuddy2 June beta 2.1.0(557): does conversion and correction in a single go
  • DJCU: does conversion and correction in a single step. DJCU uses the most advanced shift correction in the business. The Denon Conversion also has the automatic shift correction build in.

The other converters have been confirmed to be affected by this issue.

update: some research hints this issue is correlated with the specific LAME encoder version:

4. MacOS virtual Machine on Windows

Some Windows users are able to convert their collections using MacOS VMs. The simplest method uses a full import/export to an external drive. This is dramatically slow. A faster method uses an internal network share, but it requires manipulation of the XML libraries. That extra step can be made manually, or be scripted as well.

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