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Pioneer Ddj Sb2 edited this page Dec 19, 2015 · 44 revisions

Pioneer DDJ-SB2

This page based on DDJ-SB manual. Thanks.

 *[[|Manufacturer's product page]]
 *[[|Forum thread]]

The Pioneer DDJ-SB2 is an all-in-one 4 deck USB MIDI controller with a built in soundcard. Mixxx allows it to control 4 decks. It is compatible with Mixxx since version 1.12.



Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are supported. You can download the latest drivers and firmware from

IMPORTANT for Windows users: If you are having issues getting both sound outputs to work properly, please try using a different Sound API (see the Preferences menu).

Mac OS X & Linux

The DDJ-SB2 is a USB class compliant MIDI and audio device, so it should work with Mac OS X and Linux without any special drivers. If you can confirm that it works, please edit this section to say so.

User Options

There are some user configurable options for this mapping. To change the options, open the .js file in your controller mapping file locations#user controller mapping folder for your Pioneer DDJ-SB2 with a text editor such as KWrite or GEdit on GNU/Linux, Notepad on Windows, or TextEdit o

  • blinkingSync: If true the sync button blinks with the beat, if false led is lit when sync is enabled.
  • invertVinylSlipButton: If true, the vinyl button activates slip. Vinyl mode is then activated by using shift. Allows toggling slip faster, but is counterintuitive.
  • jogwheelSensivity: Sets the jogwheels sensivity. 1 is default, 2 is twice as sensitive, 0.5 is half as sensitive.
  • jogwheelShiftMultiplier: Sets how much more sensitive the jogwheels get when holding shift. Set to 1 to disable jogwheel sensitivity increase when holding shift.
  • speedRateToNormalTime: Time per step (in ms) for pitch speed fade to normal
  • showVumeterMaster: If true Level-Meter shows VU-Master left & right. If false shows level of channel: 1/3 2/4 (depending active deck)
  • cutVumeter: Cut's Level-Meter low and expand upper. Fore example, at 0.5 only signals greater 50% show on the meter, expanded to full range
  • twinkleVumeterAutodjOn: If true VU-Level twinkle if AutoDJ is ON.
  • jumpPreviewEnabled: If true, when releasing the browser knob, the preview deck jumps forward to "position".
  • jumpPreviewPosition: The place in the track to jump to, on a scale from 0 (beginning of track) to 1 (end of track).


Library browsing

The controls for library browsing can be found in the center top of the controller.

Control Function
Rotary knob Track selection
Load buttons Loads currently highlighted track to the corresponding deck
Pushing rotary knob Loads currently highlighted track to the preview deck and plays it
Pushing rotary knob again without rotate Stop the preview deck
Shift + rotary knob Library section selection (scroll through left pane of library)
Shift + pushing rotary knob Toggle expanding library section

Pushing the rotary knob to start playing a track in the preview deck then releasing it jumps forward in the preview deck. This behavior can be disabled in the mapping's user options and the place in the track it jumps to can also be configured.

Addition functions not belonging to library:

  • Shift & load left -> toggle effects view in/out
  • Shift & load right -> toggle sampler view in/out

Switching between decks

Press the deck button. It lights when deck 3-4 is active.

Volume, equalizers & filters

Between the decks the usual faders, crossfader and EQ knobs can be found. A filter knob is also available.

Knobs are available for the master and headphones level. These control the controller's built in sound card; they do not control the software gains in Mixxx, so moving them does not move the master and headphone gain knobs on screen.

The filter fade button changes the crossfader from fading the volumes between decks to using filters to fade between decks.

The TRIM knob controls the deck's gain.

Jogwheels, tempo & vinyl mode

When a deck is paused, the jogwheel allows you to browse through a track. If you want to browse faster, hold shift while using the jogwheel.

When a deck is playing, using the jogwheel allows you to temporarily change the tempo of the playing track. Again, holding shift exaggerates this effect.

The tempo slider allows changing the tempo of each deck. This normally changes the pitch of a track, but you can make the pitch stay constant by pressing the "key lock / tempo range" button. Additionally, with shift, the "key lock / tempo range" will fade the tempo slowly to 0. The fading speed can be customized with the speedRateToNormalTime mapping option.

Vinyl mode makes the jogwheels emulate the way turntables work. Vinyl mode can be toggled by pressing the "vinyl / slip" button. Touching the outer plastic ring of the jogwheel will temporarily change the tempo like when vinyl mode is off. Touching the metal disc simulates touching the vinyl record, so just putting your hand on it will stop the "vinyl". You can scratch in a similar way as with turntables in vinyl mode.

Slip mode

By pressing shift + "vinyl / slip" you can toggle slip mode. When entering slip mode, Mixxx remembers what point exactly of the track should be playing even if, for example, you scratch or make a loop. When you press shift + slip again, Mixxx will jump back to that point.

Pads - lower row

The play and cue pads should be self-explaining. The sync pad toggles master sync for a deck, which tries to beatmatch the deck with the others, and also syncs the tempo between them, even when the tempo of one deck is changed. Refer to the Mixxx manual for how to use master sync.

Additional functions can be accessed by holding shift

Control Function
Shift + play Plays the track in reverse and enables slipping (see slip mode)
Shift + cue Brakes the track as if the power of the motor on a turntable was turned off
Shift + sync Enables quantize mode (this makes most actions, e.g. pressing play or setting the cue point, fall to the nearest beat)

Pads - hot cue mode

In hot cue mode the upper row of pads control the hotcues. Pressing a pad that is not lit sets a hotcue. Pressing a pad that is lit makes the track jump and play from that hotcue. Pressing a pad while holding shift deletes that hotcue.

You can control a set of 4 more hotcues by pressing shift + hot cue. The hot cue button will start blinking. The pads will behave in the same way, but controlling hotcues 5 to 8.

Pads - auto loop mode

Pressing the pads in auto loop mode will make loops of a specific length measured in beats.

Control Function
Pad 1 1 beat loop
Pad 2 2 beat loop
Pad 3 4 beat loop
Pad 4 8 beat loop
Shift + pad 1 16 beat loop
Shift + pad 2 32 beat loop
Shift + pad 3 64 beat loop

Pads - manual loop mode

This mode allows you to set loops different from the fixed lengths of beats in auto loop mode.

Control Function
Pad 1 Set loop in
Pad 2 Set loop out
Pad 3 Toggles loop
Pad 4 Halve loop length
Shift + pad 4 Double loop length
Shift + pad 1 Move loop one beat backward
Shift + pad 2 Move loop one beat forward

Pads - sampler mode

In sampler mode the sampler can be controlled. To load a file into a sampler, first press the sampler button while holding shift, so that the sampler button starts blinking. Now pressing a pad will load the currently highlighted track on the library into the corresponding sampler. Pressing a pad while holding shift will eject the sample.

To play samples, press the sampler button without holding shift (it should not blink). Pressing a pad will start playing the corresponding sample, pressing a pad while holding shift will stop it.

Pads - loop roll (shift + auto loop)

By pressing the auto loop button while holding shift (it should start blinking) you can make loop rolls. This mode combines auto loops with slip mode. The pads will start a loop in the current position with a determinate beat length while simultaneously enabling slip mode, so that when releasing the pad the track will continue playing as if the loop never happened.

Control Function
Pad 1 1/16th beat loop roll
Pad 2 1/8th beat loop roll
Pad 3 1/4th beat loop roll
Pad 4 1/2 beat loop roll
Shift + pad 1 1 beat loop roll
Shift + pad 2 2 beat loop roll
Shift + pad 3 4 beat loop roll
Shift + pad 4 8 beat loop roll

Pads - kill (shift + manual loop)

By pressing the manual loop button while holding shift (it should start blinking) you can make the pads behave as EQ kill switches.

Control Function
Pad 1 Kill low
Pad 2 Kill mid
Pad 3 Kill high
Pad 4 Mute


Over the jogwheels there are sections allowing to control effects 1 & 2.

Turning the knobs will control the mix of an effect.

Turning the knobs while holding one of the three FX buttons will control the first, second or third parameter of an effect, respectively.

If holding shift when using the knobs the "super" parameter can be controlled.

Pressing FX buttons toogles output On/Off.

Button Output
1 Deck 1
shift 1 Deck 3
2 Headphone
shift 2 Master
3 Deck 2
shift 3 Deck 4

You can choose between effects by entering "kill mode" and using pads 1 and 2 while holding shift.

Auto DJ

Start/stop Auto DJ: Shift + DECK 4. If enabled in the user options enabled, the level meter LEDs twinkle.

Skip Track: Shift + DECK 3

Channel fader start

By moving a channel fader up from the very bottom while holding shift when a deck is paused, the deck will start playing. Moving the fader back to the bottom without releasing shift stops the deck and moves it back to its original position.

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