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Drift classifier for our PoPETs 2024.2 paper "MixMatch: Flow Matching for Mixnet Traffic"


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Drift Classifier for our PoPETs 2024.2 Paper "MixMatch"

Drift classifier for our PoPETs 2024.2 paper "MixMatch: Flow Matching for Mixnet Traffic", a new deep learning architecture to conduct flow matching against Nym traffic.

Primary author of this artifact: Marc Juarez.

Secondary author of this artifact: Lennart Oldenburg.

This repository is part of a larger list of repositories that we make available as artifacts of our paper. Please find more detailed documentation (including steps to set up the surrounding directories that this repository expects to be in place already) in our main paper repository.

Running the analysis process of this classifier in full requires access to powerful hardware (including, at best, a powerful GPU with sufficient video memory) and takes at least one day per dataset.

Setting Up

Run the following steps to get started:

root@ubuntu2204 $   apt-get install --yes tree tmux
root@ubuntu2204 $   mkdir -p ~/mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204 $   cd ~/mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204 $   git clone
root@ubuntu2204 $   cd mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204 $   ./
root@ubuntu2204 $   ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash   # Activate conda, modify if you use a different shell
root@ubuntu2204 $   exit

Log back into instance ubuntu2204 and run:

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   ./
... This will take at least 20min to complete ...
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /root/miniconda3
mixmatch                 /root/miniconda3/envs/mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   conda env list
# conda environments:
base                     /root/miniconda3
mixmatch              *  /root/miniconda3/envs/mixmatch

For below steps, we expect the following file system structure to be in place and populated with the respective files in the correct places:

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   tree
├── datasets
│   └── baseline
│       ├── ... MANY ENTRIES
├── delay_matrices
│   ├── baseline
│   │   ├── test_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   ├── train_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   └── val_delay_matrix.npz
│   ├── high-delay
│   │   ├── test_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   ├── train_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   └── val_delay_matrix.npz
│   ├── live-nym
│   │   ├── test_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   ├── train_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   └── val_delay_matrix.npz
│   ├── low-delay
│   │   ├── test_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   ├── train_delay_matrix.npz
│   │   └── val_delay_matrix.npz
│   └── no-cover
│       ├── test_delay_matrix.npz
│       ├── train_delay_matrix.npz
│       └── val_delay_matrix.npz
├── mixmatch_drift_classifier
│   ├── ... MANY ENTRIES

Prepare Datasets by Parsing Them

Exemplarily for dataset baseline, we go through the steps parsing, training, evaluating, and score calculating that make up the process of analyzing a dataset with this classifier. Follow similar steps for the remaining datasets.

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   tmux
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   python ../datasets/baseline --delaymatpath ../delay_matrices/baseline --experiment 1
... Takes at least 20min to complete ...

Train on Parsed Dataset

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   tmux
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python
... Takes on the order of many hours complete ...

When running the drift classifier on multiple datasets, we recommend to name data and results folders within ~/mixmatch/deeplearning/mixmatch_drift_classifier explicitely after their respective experiment/dataset/purpose.

For any of these high-level steps, you can always check the produced logs:

root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   ls -lahtr ./results/latest/

Evaluate a Trained Model

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   tmux
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python ./data/latest/ ./results/latest/
... Takes on the order of some hours to complete ...

For the special case of the two-to-one experiment that is based on the baseline dataset, we start from the baseline-trained model and instruct the model at inference time to build and analyze the two-to-one dataset ad-hoc in the following way:

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   tmux
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python ./data/A_BASELINE_DATA_FOLDER/ ./results/A_BASELINE_RESULTS_FOLDER/ --two2one_case1   # Semi-matched case, use '--two2one_case2' instead for the unmatched setting
... Takes on the order of some hours to complete ...

Calculate ROC Scores

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   tmux
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python ./results/latest/
... Takes on the order of 1 hour to complete ...

For the special case of the two-to-one experiment, run:

root@ubuntu2204(base) $   tmux
root@ubuntu2204(base) $   conda activate mixmatch
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   cd ~/mixmatch/mixmatch_drift_classifier
root@ubuntu2204(mixmatch) $   TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python ./results/A_BASELINE_RESULTS_FOLDER/ --two2one
... Takes on the order of 1 hour to complete ...


Drift classifier for our PoPETs 2024.2 paper "MixMatch: Flow Matching for Mixnet Traffic"







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