This is a utility for viewing all models available in the TransformerLens package as a nice table, which you can view at
You can also get the table as:
- jsonlines
- csv
- markdown
- a Pandas dataframe -- see the code in
The data for all of these should update daily at midnight UTC. If this appears not to have worked, or if there has been a new TransformerLens release and you want to force an update sooner, make any comment on this issue and the action should run automatically.
The tables contain:
- all model names and aliases
- model parameter counts
- from model name
- from (non-embedding) parameter count
- (non-embedding) parameter count as a readable string
- model type (i.e.
, etc.) - useful config parameters
- number of layers, heads,
- kind of: positional embeddings, activation function, normalization, etc
- original architecture
- number of layers, heads,
- full model config
- shapes of all tensors in state dict, activation cache
- sort or filter by any value
- rearrange columns
- view pretty-printed tensor shapes
- for longer elements (model cfg, tensor shapes):
- hover to view
- left click to copy
- right click to open as plaintext in new tab
- proper CLI interface for script
- truncated version (no config or tensor shapes) for markdown table, csv (not legible anyway)
- interface to choose which formats to write in
- add config as json to jsonl data
- make PR to TransformerLens docs