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Make new line polygonizer work
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mittagessen committed Dec 21, 2023
1 parent 4cee7f2 commit d5d32f2
Showing 1 changed file with 149 additions and 76 deletions.
225 changes: 149 additions & 76 deletions kraken/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
Processing for baseline segmenter output
import PIL
import torch
import logging
import numpy as np
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from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, binary_erosion, gaussian_filter, distance_transform_cdt, affine_transform
from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter, binary_erosion, affine_transform
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_cdt
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

from shapely.ops import nearest_points, unary_union
Expand All @@ -39,18 +40,14 @@
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
from skimage.transform import PiecewiseAffineTransform, SimilarityTransform, AffineTransform, warp

<<<<<<< HEAD
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Sequence, Optional, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Any, Sequence, Optional, Literal, TypeVar, Iterator
>>>>>>> d4c8ee9 (rebase faster line extractor to main)

from kraken.lib import default_specs
from kraken.lib.exceptions import KrakenInputException

from kraken.lib.vgsl import TorchVGSLModel
from kraken.containers import Segmentation
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

logger = logging.getLogger('kraken')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -373,19 +370,19 @@ def vectorize_regions(im: np.ndarray, threshold: float = 0.5):
boundaries = [x.boundary.simplify(10) for x in boundaries.geoms]
return [np.array(x.coords, dtype=np.uint)[:, [1, 0]].tolist() for x in boundaries]

_T_pil_or_np = TypeVar('_T_pil_or_np', Image.Image, np.ndarray)
_T_pil_or_np = TypeVar('_T_pil_or_np', 'Image.Image', np.ndarray)

def _rotate(image: _T_pil_or_np, angle: float, center: Any, scale: float, cval=0, order:int=0) -> Tuple[AffineTransform, _T_pil_or_np]:
Rotate an image at an angle with optional scaling
image (PIL.Image.Image or (H, W, C) np.ndarray): Input image
angle (float): Angle in radians
center (tuple): unused
scale (float): x-Axis scaling factor
cval (int): Padding value
order (int): Interpolation order
image: Input image
angle: Angle in radians
center: unused
scale: x-Axis scaling factor
cval: Padding value
order: Interpolation order
A tuple containing the transformation matrix and the rotated image.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -656,7 +653,7 @@ def _find_closest_point(pt, intersects):
return env_up, env_bottom

def calculate_polygonal_environment(im: Image.Image = None,
def calculate_polygonal_environment(im: 'Image.Image' = None,
baselines: Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
suppl_obj: Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = None,
im_feats: np.ndarray = None,
Expand All @@ -668,23 +665,27 @@ def calculate_polygonal_environment(im: Image.Image = None,
environment around each baseline.
im: grayscale input image (mode 'L')
baselines: List of lists containing a single baseline per entry.
suppl_obj: List of lists containing additional polylines that should be
considered hard boundaries for polygonizaton purposes. Can
be used to prevent polygonization into non-text areas such
as illustrations or to compute the polygonization of a
subset of the lines in an image.
im_feats: An optional precomputed seamcarve energy map. Overrides data
in `im`. The default map is `gaussian_filter(sobel(im), 2)`.
scale: A 2-tuple (h, w) containing optional scale factors of the input.
Values of 0 are used for aspect-preserving scaling. `None` skips
input scaling.
topline: Switch to change default baseline location for offset
calculation purposes. If set to False, baselines are assumed
to be on the bottom of the text line and will be offset
upwards, if set to True, baselines are on the top and will be
offset downwards. If set to None, no offset will be applied.
im (PIL.Image): grayscale input image (mode 'L')
baselines (sequence): List of lists containing a single baseline per
suppl_obj (sequence): List of lists containing additional polylines
that should be considered hard boundaries for
polygonizaton purposes. Can be used to prevent
polygonization into non-text areas such as
illustrations or to compute the polygonization of
a subset of the lines in an image.
im_feats (numpy.array): An optional precomputed seamcarve energy map.
Overrides data in `im`. The default map is
`gaussian_filter(sobel(im), 2)`.
scale (tuple): A 2-tuple (h, w) containing optional scale factors of
the input. Values of 0 are used for aspect-preserving
scaling. `None` skips input scaling.
topline (bool): Switch to change default baseline location for offset
calculation purposes. If set to False, baselines are
assumed to be on the bottom of the text line and will
be offset upwards, if set to True, baselines are on the
top and will be offset downwards. If set to None, no
offset will be applied.
raise_on_error: Raises error instead of logging them when they are
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -766,10 +767,11 @@ def polygonal_reading_order(lines: Sequence[Dict],
and applies it to the input.
lines: List of tuples containing the baseline and its polygonization.
regions: List of region polygons.
text_direction: Set principal text direction for column ordering. Can
be 'lr' or 'rl'
lines (Sequence): List of tuples containing the baseline and its
regions (Sequence): List of region polygons.
text_direction (str): Set principal text direction for column ordering.
Can be 'lr' or 'rl'
The indices of the ordered input.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -818,14 +820,14 @@ def polygonal_reading_order(lines: Sequence[Dict],
return ordered_idxs

def is_in_region(line: geom.LineString, region: geom.Polygon) -> bool:
def is_in_region(line, region) -> bool:
Tests if a line is inside a region, i.e. if the mid point of the baseline
is inside the region.
line: line to test
region: region to test against
line (geom.LineString): line to test
region (geom.Polygon): region to test against
False if line is not inside region, True otherwise.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -931,8 +933,9 @@ def scale_regions(regions: Sequence[Tuple[List[int], List[int]]],
Scales baselines/polygon coordinates by a certain factor.
lines: List of tuples containing the baseline and its polygonization.
scale: Scaling factor
lines (Sequence): List of tuples containing the baseline and it's
scale (float or tuple of floats): Scaling factor
if isinstance(scale, float):
scale = (scale, scale)
Expand All @@ -942,14 +945,14 @@ def scale_regions(regions: Sequence[Tuple[List[int], List[int]]],
return scaled_regions

def scale_polygonal_lines(lines: Sequence[Tuple[List, List]],
scale: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]) -> Sequence[Tuple[List, List]]:
def scale_polygonal_lines(lines: Sequence[Tuple[List, List]], scale: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]) -> Sequence[Tuple[List, List]]:
Scales baselines/polygon coordinates by a certain factor.
lines: List of tuples containing the baseline and its polygonization.
scale: Scaling factor
lines (Sequence): List of tuples containing the baseline and it's
scale (float or tuple of floats): Scaling factor
if isinstance(scale, float):
scale = (scale, scale)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -993,11 +996,11 @@ def compute_polygon_section(baseline: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]],
baseline will be extrapolated to the polygon edge.
baseline: A polyline ((x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn))
boundary: A bounding polygon around the baseline (same format as
baseline). Last and first point are automatically connected.
dist1: Absolute distance along the baseline of the first point.
dist2: Absolute distance along the baseline of the second point.
baseline (list): A polyline ((x1, y1), ..., (xn, yn))
boundary (list): A bounding polygon around the baseline (same format as
dist1 (int): Absolute distance along the baseline of the first point.
dist2 (int): Absolute distance along the baseline of the second point.
A sequence of polygon points.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1114,7 +1117,7 @@ def _as_int_tuple(x):
return source_envelope, target_envelope

def make_polygonal_mask(polygon: np.ndarray, shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> Image.Image:
def make_polygonal_mask(polygon: np.ndarray, shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> 'Image.Image':
Creates a mask from a polygon.
Expand All @@ -1130,7 +1133,7 @@ def make_polygonal_mask(polygon: np.ndarray, shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> Image.Im
return mask

def apply_polygonal_mask(img: Image.Image, polygon: np.ndarray, cval=0) -> Image.Image:
def apply_polygonal_mask(img: 'Image.Image', polygon: np.ndarray, cval=0) -> 'Image.Image':
Extract the polygonal mask of an image.
Expand All @@ -1139,18 +1142,78 @@ def apply_polygonal_mask(img: Image.Image, polygon: np.ndarray, cval=0) -> Image
out.paste(img, mask=mask)
return out

def extract_polygons(im: Image.Image,
bounds: 'kraken.containers.Segmentation') -> Iterator[Tuple[Image.Image,

def _fast_legacy_warp(im: 'Image.Image', tform: PiecewiseAffineTransform, output_shape: Tuple[int, int], order:int=0) -> 'Image.Image':
Applies a piecewise affine transform to an image.
im: Input image
tform: A piecewise affine transform
output_shape: The shape of the output image
order: Interpolation order
The warped image
resample = {0: Image.NEAREST, 1: Image.BILINEAR, 2: Image.BICUBIC, 3: Image.BICUBIC}.get(order, Image.NEAREST)

tesselation:Delaunay = tform._inverse_tesselation
affines = tform.inverse_affines

output_image =, (output_shape[1], output_shape[0]), 0)

for (simplex, affine) in zip(tesselation.simplices, affines):
if affine is None:
dst_coords = tesselation.points[simplex]
src_coords = affine(dst_coords)
# calculate source bounding box
c_min, c_max = int(src_coords[:, 0].min()), int(src_coords[:, 0].max())
r_min, r_max = int(src_coords[:, 1].min()), int(src_coords[:, 1].max())
# calculate destination bounding box
c_dst_min, c_dst_max = int(dst_coords[:, 0].min()), int(dst_coords[:, 0].max())
r_dst_min, r_dst_max = int(dst_coords[:, 1].min()), int(dst_coords[:, 1].max())
# crop out bounding box
offset_src_coords = src_coords - (c_min, r_min)
offset_dst_coords = dst_coords - (c_dst_min, r_dst_min)
patch = im.crop((c_min, r_min, c_max+1, r_max+1))
# adapt affine transform to cropped patch
delta = offset_src_coords[0] - affine.params[:2, :2].dot(offset_dst_coords[0])
pdata = affine.params.flatten().tolist()[:6]
pdata[2] = delta[0]
pdata[5] = delta[1]
# warp
patch = patch.transform((c_dst_max - c_dst_min + 1, r_dst_max - r_dst_min + 1), Image.AFFINE, data=pdata, resample=resample)
# calculate mask
mask = make_polygonal_mask(dst_coords - (c_dst_min, r_dst_min), patch.size)
# paste
output_image.paste(patch, box=(c_dst_min, r_dst_min), mask=mask)

return output_image

def extract_polygons(im: 'Image.Image',
bounds: 'kraken.containers.Segmentation',
legacy_warp: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[Image.Image, Union['kraken.containers.BoundingBox',
Yields the subimages of image im defined in the list of bounding polygons
with baselines preserving order.
im: Input image
bounds: A Segmentation class containing a boundig box or baseline
bounds: A list of dicts in baseline::
{'type': 'baselines',
'lines': [{'baseline': [[x_0, y_0], ... [x_n, y_n]],
'boundary': [[x_0, y_0], ... [x_n, y_n]]},
or bounding box format::
{'boxes': [[x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1], ...], 'text_direction': 'horizontal-lr'}
The extracted subimage
Expand All @@ -1162,7 +1225,6 @@ def extract_polygons(im: Image.Image,
im = im.convert('L')
order = 1
im = np.array(im)

for line in bounds.lines:
if line.boundary is None:
Expand All @@ -1172,9 +1234,11 @@ def extract_polygons(im: Image.Image,
c_min, c_max = int(pl[:, 0].min()), int(pl[:, 0].max())
r_min, r_max = int(pl[:, 1].min()), int(pl[:, 1].max())

if (pl < 0).any() or (pl.max(axis=0)[::-1] >= im.shape[:2]).any():
imshape = np.array([im.height, im.width])

if (pl < 0).any() or (pl.max(axis=0)[::-1] >= imshape).any():
raise KrakenInputException('Line polygon outside of image bounds')
if (baseline < 0).any() or (baseline.max(axis=0)[::-1] >= im.shape[:2]).any():
if (baseline < 0).any() or (baseline.max(axis=0)[::-1] >= imshape).any():
raise KrakenInputException('Baseline outside of image bounds')

# fast path for straight baselines requiring only rotation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1241,19 +1305,28 @@ def extract_polygons(im: Image.Image,
# mask out points outside bounding polygon
patch = apply_polygonal_mask(patch, offset_polygon, cval=0)

# estimate piecewise transform by beveling angles
source_envelope, target_envelope = _bevelled_warping_envelope(offset_baseline, offset_bl_dst_pts[0], output_shape)
# mesh for PIL, as (box, quad) tuples : box is (NW, SE) and quad is (NW, SW, SE, NE)
deform_mesh = [
(*target_envelope[i], *target_envelope[i+3]),
(*source_envelope[i], *source_envelope[i+1], *source_envelope[i+3], *source_envelope[i+2])
for i in range(0, len(source_envelope)-3, 2)
# warp
resample = {0: Image.NEAREST, 1: Image.BILINEAR, 2: Image.BICUBIC, 3: Image.BICUBIC}.get(order, Image.NEAREST)
i = patch.transform((output_shape[1], output_shape[0]), Image.MESH, data=deform_mesh, resample=resample)
if not legacy_warp:
# estimate piecewise transform by beveling angles
source_envelope, target_envelope = _bevelled_warping_envelope(offset_baseline, offset_bl_dst_pts[0], output_shape)
# mesh for PIL, as (box, quad) tuples : box is (NW, SE) and quad is (NW, SW, SE, NE)
deform_mesh = [
(*target_envelope[i], *target_envelope[i+3]),
(*source_envelope[i], *source_envelope[i+1], *source_envelope[i+3], *source_envelope[i+2])
for i in range(0, len(source_envelope)-3, 2)
# warp
resample = {0: Image.NEAREST, 1: Image.BILINEAR, 2: Image.BICUBIC, 3: Image.BICUBIC}.get(order, Image.NEAREST)
i = patch.transform((output_shape[1], output_shape[0]), Image.MESH, data=deform_mesh, resample=resample)
offset_pol_dst_pts = pol_dst_pts - (c_dst_min, r_dst_min)
src_points = np.concatenate((offset_baseline, offset_polygon))
dst_points = np.concatenate((offset_bl_dst_pts, offset_pol_dst_pts))
tform = PiecewiseAffineTransform()
tform.estimate(src_points, dst_points)
i = _fast_legacy_warp(patch, tform, output_shape, order=order)

yield i.crop(i.getbbox()), line
if bounds.text_direction.startswith('vertical'):
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