forked from nearit/react-native-connectivity-status to fix build issues on newer React Native. Tested on 0.73.6
A React Native module to check Bluetooth and Location status on Android and iOS
yarn add mitigate-dev/react-native-connectivity-status
Interactively check Location Services and Bluetooth status
import ConnectivityManager from "react-native-connectivity-status";
// Check if Location Services are enabled
const locationServicesAvailable = await ConnectivityManager.areLocationServicesEnabled();
Subscribe to updates
import ConnectivityManager from 'react-native-connectivity-status'
const connectivityStatusSubscription = ConnectivityManager.addStatusListener(({ eventType, status }) => {
switch (eventType) {
case 'bluetooth':
console.log(`Bluetooth is ${status ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}`)
case 'location':
console.log(`Location Services are ${status ? 'AVAILABLE' : 'NOT available'}`)
// Remeber to unsubscribe from connectivity status events