Author: | Richard Harding |
Contact: | mitechie (twitter/identica) |
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[master//zsh_samples N ]% (rharding@rharding:~/src/zsh_samples/)
- Prompt has two parts - left/right
- When the terminal line runs long, right side disappears.
- Using vcs_info you can add in custom prompt details for all major VCS (svn/git/hg/bzr)
: enter command mode
- I use mapped to
- w/b : forward/back word in editing prompt
- cw/dw : change current word/delete word
f /
: move cursor forward to first instance of forward slash- !!:s/XX/YY : Run last command, but replace XX with YY
- / and ? : searching the command history - n/N : next/prev result
: edit current command line in vim
for i in $(seq 1 10); do time wget -t1 -O/dev/null \ ''; \ done 2>&1 | grep real
- No cd required
$ /var/www/
- auto pushd
$ cd /var/log $ cd /var/www $ cd /etc/apache2 $ dv $ ~1
- ignore tab complete
$ /home/rharding/flos<tab> $ ~/flos<tab>
- super globbing
$ workit hotalert $ ls -al qsat**/* G mako L
- Directory alias
- more than an alias for a cd command, usable as parameter to other commands
$ alias -g alog="/var/log/apache2/" $ alog $ ls alog
- Pipe Alias
- uses
- uses
$ workit zsh_samples $ alias -g G='|grep' $ ls | grep zsh $ ls G zsh
- G : grep
- L : less
- H : head
- T : tail
- S : sort
- W : wc -l
- V : vim
- A : ack-grep
Opens files with that extension in that application
- uses
$ alias -s php=gvim $ alias -s pdf=xpdf $ $ Python_Testing_Beginner's_Guide.pdf
$ workit workit
- Shows all of the possible commands with help text
$ git <tab><tab>
- Show grouped options
$ git show <tab> $ ssh <tab>
- Provded by completion functions, small and easy to do
$ __git<tab>
$ ls /home
- switch to already running tab
$ <enter> $ <up-arrow>
Assists in quickly working on various src/text projects you might have.
- Provides a postactivate and postdeactivate file
- perform actions (update vim ctags)
- set env variables (build paths)
- start/stop services (mysql/postgres/apache)
- define shortcuts used i.e. (qunit)
$ workit tadmin $ vi postactivate
$ workit zsh_samples $ workit <tab> $ workit pyvim $ workit hotalert
Currently only works in zsh, needs some bash love. Completion scripts
compctl -g "`show_workit_projects`" workit
ZSH has higher level arrays that bash doesn't. Need to translate.