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1️⃣ version: 1.5.0

✍️ author: Mitchell Lisle

PySpark Model Conversion Tool

This Python module provides a utility for converting Pydantic models to PySpark schemas. It's implemented as a class named SparkModel that extends the Pydantic's BaseModel.


  • Conversion from Pydantic model to PySpark schema (StructType or JSON)
  • Type coercion
  • PySpark as an optional dependency


Without PySpark:

pip install sparkdantic

Note: only JSON schema generation features are available without PySpark installed. If you attempt to use PySpark-dependent schema generation features, SparkDantic will check that a supported version of Pyspark is installed.

With PySpark:

pip install "sparkdantic[pyspark]"

Supported PySpark versions

3.3.0 or higher, but not 4.0


Creating a new SparkModel

A SparkModel is a Pydantic model, and you can define one by simply inheriting from SparkModel and defining some fields:

from sparkdantic import SparkModel
from typing import List

class MyModel(SparkModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    hobbies: List[str]

ℹ️ Enums are supported but they must be mixed with either int (IntEnum in Python ≥ 3.10) or str (StrEnum, in Python ≥ 3.11) built-in types:

from enum import Enum

class Switch(int, Enum):
    OFF = 0
    ON = 1

class MyEnumModel(SparkModel):
    switch: Switch

Generating a PySpark Schema

Using SparkModel

Pydantic has existing models for generating JSON schemas (with model_json_schema). With a SparkModel you can generate a PySpark schema from the model fields using the model_spark_schema() method:

spark_schema = MyModel.model_spark_schema()

Provides this schema:

    StructField('name', StringType(), False),
    StructField('age', IntegerType(), False),
    StructField('hobbies', ArrayType(StringType(), False), False)

You can also generate a PySpark-compatible JSON schema from the model fields using the model_json_spark_schema method:

json_spark_schema = MyModel.model_json_spark_schema()

Provides this schema:

    "type": "struct",
    "fields": [
            "name": "name",
            "type": "string",
            "nullable": False,
            "metadata": {}
            "name": "age",
            "type": "integer",
            "nullable": False,
            "metadata": {}
            "name": "hobbies",
            "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": "string",
                "containsNull": False
            "nullable": False,
            "metadata": {}

Using Pydantic BaseModel

You can also generate a PySpark schema for existing Pydantic models using the create_spark_schema function:

from sparkdantic import create_spark_schema, create_json_spark_schema

class EmployeeModel(BaseModel):
    id: int
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    department_code: str

spark_schema = create_spark_schema(EmployeeModel)
json_spark_schema = create_json_spark_schema(EmployeeModel)

ℹ️ In addition to the automatic type conversion, you can also explicitly coerce data types to Spark native types by setting the spark_type attribute in the SparkField function (which extends the Pydantic Field function), like so: SparkField(spark_type=<datatype>). datatype accepts str (e.g. "bigint") or pyspark.sql.types.DataType (e.g. LongType). This is useful when you want to use a specific data type then the one that Sparkdantic infers by default.


Contributions welcome! If you would like to add a new feature / fix a bug feel free to raise a PR and tag me (mitchelllisle) as a reviewer. Please setup your environment locally to ensure all styling and development flow is as close to the standards set in this project as possible. To do this, the main thing you'll need is poetry. You should also run make install-dev-local which will install the pre-commit-hooks as well as install the project locally. PRs won't be accepted without sufficient tests and we will be strict on maintaining a 100% test coverage.

ℹ️ Note that after you have run make install-dev-local and make a commit we run the test suite as part of the pre-commit hook checks. This is to ensure you don't commit code that breaks the tests. This will also try and commit changes to the COVERAGE.txt file so that we can compare coverage in each PR. Please ensure this file is commited with your changes

ℹ️ Versioning: We use bumpversion to maintain the version across various files. If you submit a PR please run bumpversion to the following rules:

  • bumpversion major: If you are making breaking changes (that is, anyone who already uses this library can no longer rely on existing methods / functionality)
  • bumpversion minor: If you are adding functionality or features that maintain existing methods and features
  • bumpversion patch: If you are fixing a bug or making some other small change

Note: ⚠️ You can ignore bumping the version if you like. I periodically do releases of any dependency updates anyway so if you can wait a couple of days for your code to be pushed to PyPi then just submit the change and I'll make sure it's included in the next release. I'll do my best to make sure it's released ASAP after your PR is merged.