This code package contains descriptions and implementations of all reification methods discussed in the paper "Reification by Parametricity."
We expect the reader to be struck by the seemingly needless complexity of some of these methods, especially when handling binders -- we feel the same way! For readers just interested in learning one method of reification, we recommend reading section 3 of the paper along with ExampleMoreParametricity.v. That said, the source files for other reification methods also contain ample comments, which we hope can be useful for learning about the Coq metaprogramming facilities they use.
MiscIntro.v contains the code used in the introduction of the paper.
ExampleSelfContainedParametricity.v is a fully self-contained example of using reification by parametricity. ExampleMoreParametricity.v contains a series of examples extending beyond features directly handled through parametricity.
Parametricity.v contains the implementation of reification by parametricity used in the benchmarks.
ParametricityWithConst.v shows how constants could be reified differently from other terms with the same type. We do not recommend or benchmark this approach.
To build all of this code, you must have installed:
- OCaml
- Coq 8.7
- Ltac2 plugin (available on opam and at branch v8.7)
- UniCoq plugin (available at branch v1.2-coq8.7-poly)
- Mtac2 plugin (available at branch master)
- Template-Coq plugin (available at branch coq-8.7)
The files which don't use these plugins will build fine without them.
For benchmarking, we used
- OCaml 4.02.3
- Coq 8.7.1
- Ltac2 commit d0591d12344adeaff7f51dc56f38ebcda7ba7c7c from
- UniCoq commit fd5f41f32f5f7cb94de81d66a42dff18df7084a2 from
- Mtac2 commit 607689192296bc42d75bc933ab2229a6b347c73b from
- Template-Coq commit d6f621d27e882f16cf555d78b3e587038951ea94 from
If binders are not needed, Ltac reification is one of the simplest methods of reification. The idea is to recurse over the structure of the term, in Ltac. These procedures are generally easy to write and suffer mainly in performance and complexity around reifying binders. Most of the time in binder-heavy code seems to result from the overhead of switching back and forth between term checking and tactic evaluation. Note that we use lazymatch rather than match to propagate error messages and prevent unwanted backtracking.
The Ltac-based implementations below are sorted by the mechanisms they use to recurse under binders. Each method of recursing under binders further allows different options for how to track the object-language variable reference for each metalanguage variable during reification.
LtacPrimUncurry.v recurses under binders by translating a pair of binders to a binder of a pair and using Ltac @? patterns to work under a single binder. This method is explained in Certified Programming with Dependent Types.
Since Coq 8.5, the ltac:(...) syntax can be used insert tactic-generated terms directly into Gallina code, even under binders, even when that Gallina code is constructed using constr:(...) in tactic code just to be inspected right away. Thus, the pattern for under binders becomes:
let result := constr:(fun (x:T) => ltac:(recurse x)) in ...
There are a number of bugs and misfeatures to be wary of when using this method; the attached implementations were developed by working around one unexpected behavior after another.
LtacTacInTermPrimPair.v uses the tactics-in-terms feature to recurse under binders and tracks variable references using pairs.
LtacTacInTermGallinaCtx.v recurses under binders with tactics in terms and tracks variables in the Gallina context.
LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.v recurses under binders with tactics in terms and uses an explicit context type for references to reified variables.
Typeclasses can be used to implement tactics-in-terms-equivalent functionality in four steps:
- Declare a dummy class taking the same arguments as the tactic.
- Wherever the tactic would need to recurse under binders, trigger typeclass inference for that class by constructing a function from the bound variables to an underscore of the class type.
- Use Ltac to match on the inferred function and confirm that the binders are unused in the result of the recursive call, also removing the type annotation introduced in the previous step.
- Add a typeclass-resolution hint to invoke our tactic to solve this class.
LtacTCPrimPair.v uses typeclass resolution to recurse under binders and tracks references to variables using pairs.
LtacTCGallinaCtx.v uses typeclass resolution to recurse under binders and uses the Gallina context to track references for variables being reified.
LtacTCExplicitCtx.v uses typeclass resolution to recurse under binders and uses an explicit context type for variable references.
Ltac2.v contains the Ltac2 transcription of Ltac1 reification from LtacTacInTermExplicitCtx.v.
Ltac2LowLevel.v improves on that by using lower-level primitives not available in Ltac1. One key insight here is that it does not need to track variable contexts at all! We can instead retype the same binders with type var. This version is 50x faster than the previous.
TypeClasses.v is the most general form of typeclass-based reification.
TypeClassesBodyFlatPHOAS.v uses the body rather than the type indices of a typeclass to store the reified term, but it does not support let ... in ... .
TypeClassesBodyHOAS.v similarly uses the body rather than the type but reifies to @expr nat rather than forall var, @expr var.
CanonicalStructuresFlatHOAS.v and CanonicalStructuresFlatPHOAS.v reify expression trees only (no let ... in ...) into HOAS and PHOAS syntax trees respectively. The HOAS files reify to @expr nat, which allows them to avoid some bookkeeping and be a bit shorter; the PHOAS files reify to polymorphic Expr.
CanonicalStructuresHOAS.v and CanonicalStructuresPHOAS.v support let ... in .. by rewriting it to a locked identifier before reification.
CanonicalStructures.txt contains a dump of our working knowledge based on which we wrote these implementations in hope that reading it will make the code look slightly less opaque.
reify_plugin.ml4 contains the OCaml implementation for reification. OCaml.v provides an Ltac interface to it. The implementation strategy is very similar to that of the low-level Ltac2 implementation, but this one is yet another 50x faster.
Pierre-Marie Pedrot, the author of Ltac2, said that essentially all of the slowness of Ltac2 over OCaml comes from the overhead of Ltac2 being interpreted. We look forward to the day when this straightforward compilation is built into the Ltac2 plugin.
TemplateCoq.v. The template-coq plugin is a general-purpose OCaml reification plugin. It targets an inductive datatype that mirrors Coq's underlying representation of terms. The biggest overhead in this method of reification is allocation, but reifying to template-coq's de Bruijn AST and then compiling from there to PHOAS is still quite fast.
The standard library's quote plugin inverts a simple denotation function to construct an OCaml reification routine; it does not handle binders.
See QuoteFlat.v.
PHOAS.v contains the syntax tree used in benchmarks. ReifyCommon.v contains the general setup that was used with each individual reification method during benchmarking. BenchmarkUtil.v generates the terms to be reified. BaselineStats.v provides some benchmarks of simple operations for scale.
The Makefile target parsing-test-files will construct the .v files which reify by "copy-paste". This target requires Bash and Python 2.
The Makefile targets quick-bench, medium-bench, and slow-bench will run the benchmarks at various sizes.
The Makefile target bench.wl will create a Wolfram Mathematica file with the relevant benchmark results in it, and the WolframScript file reification-by-parametricity-graphs.wls can use this file to generate the PDF graphs in the paper.
We have included the results of running benchmarking in this repository for convenience.
- the processed benchmarking data, in Mathematica formatextra-logs/aggregate.json.gz
- the raw benchmarking data from multiple runs, in gzipped json format- A number of graphs in
, including: