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QRDM provides a python package, network API endpoints, and web interfaces for encoding and decoding documents as a series of QR codes.


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QR Data Manager (QRDM)

QRDM provides a python package, network API endpoints, and web interfaces for encoding and decoding documents as a series of QR codes.

Diagram depicting a file becoming "encoded" into a set of QR codes, then "decoded" back into the original document.

Setup and Execution

The qrdm package is written in pure Python; the ease of installation is dependent on availability of its dependencies.

The simplest method of installing the qrdm package is via pip.

pip install qrdm

If pip is able to reach a suitable package index, qrdm will install along with its core Python dependencies.


The QR decoding functionality depends on the pyzbar python package, which in turn depends on the zbar shared library. This may require you to install the zbar package via your system's package manager. See the pyzbar installation instructions for more details.

Two main "package extras" are available for qrdm that provide REST API application ("backend") and Web application ("frontend") services for the QR encoding & decoding functions. These can be included by specifying qrdm[backend] or qrdm[frontend] to the installation command above, respectively.

Web UI via Streamlit

A Streamlit "frontend" can be run via:

git clone
cd qrdm
python -m pip install .[frontend]
streamlit run ui/ --client.toolbarMode=viewer

This will host the app at http://localhost:8501 by default, with pages for QR encoding and decoding. The host and port can be controlled by passing --server.port=XXXX and --server.address=X.X.X.X, as per the syntax of the streamlit run command.


To run the "backend" FastAPI app via uvicorn, use uvicorn directly. For example:

python -m pip install qrdm[backend]
uvicorn qrdm.backend:app --host localhost --port 8182

This will result in the app being hosted at http://localhost:8182. Swagger documentation will be hosted at http://localhost:8182/docs, if an internet connection is available. Further options are available via uvicorn command-line configuration.

Development environment

Alternatively, a development environment may be set up via:

git clone
cd qrdm
python -m pip install -e .[dev]

to create an "editable" install that will respond to local file changes, and contains both the frontend and backend dependencies in addition to all of the requirements for local development and testing.

The package's tests can then be run directly in the development environment via:

pytest ./tests

Alternatively, the package is also configured to use tox to perform tests across multiple python versions via:


See the configuration in tox.ini in the repository root for details on the test stage configuration and outputs.

Docker Support

This configuration uses docker compose (via the "docker compose plugin", vs the docker-compose executable) to build and run a small docker ecosystem of the services, including an nginx reverse proxy.

TLS is setup by default using Self-Signed Certificates, which are included but may also be easily replaced with real certificates.



DOCKER_PUBLISH_REGISTRY needs to be defined for the build. If you don't have one, use, otherwise substitute your organization's docker registry hostname.

If your organization uses a proxy firewall, define the http_proxy, https_proxy, and no_proxy build arguments.

Note that if no IMAGE_TAG is specified when building/pushing, latest will be used.

See the following variations on invoking the build:

# Build with default docker registry, no proxy settings, tag image as "1.0.0" \
    IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 \
    DOCKER_ORG=myorg \
    docker compose build

# Build with default docker registry, inherit proxy settings from environment variables, tag image as "1.0.0" \
    DOCKER_ORG=myorg \
    IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 \
    docker compose build \
    --build-arg http_proxy \
    --build-arg https_proxy \
    --build-arg no_proxy

# Build with custom docker registry, use explicit proxy settings, tag image as "1.0.0" \
    DOCKER_ORG=myorg \
    IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 \
    docker compose build \
    --build-arg http_proxy="" \
    --build-arg https_proxy="" \
    --build-arg no_proxy="localhost,,,.localdomain"

Pushing to a Docker Registry

  • Make sure you are authenticated to your registry-of-choice using docker login or similar.
  • Specify the registry to upload to in the DOCKER_PUBLISH_REGISTRY variable and use the docker compose push command.
  • Use for the default dockerhub registry.
  • Adjust the desired version tags in the docker-compose.yml \
    IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 \
    docker compose push

Pushing is optional - you can build and run without ever pushing the resulting images to a docker registry.


The ecosystem injects the name of the running host into the runtime. The example here assumes hostname -f will produce a fully-qualified domain name of the public facing name of the host. If that is not the case, update the method used to set DOCKER_HOST_FQDN.

  • DOCKER_HOST_FQDN: Fully qualified domain name that clients/browsers will use to access the runtime.
  • DOCKER_PUBLISH_REGISTRY: registry name used to build and/or host the built docker images. Use if you do not have a custom/private registry.
  • DOCKER_ORG: Name of the Organization path where the image will be hosted on dockerhub or your private docker registry \
    DOCKER_HOST_FQDN=$(hostname -f) \
    DOCKER_ORG=mycompany \
    IMAGE_TAG=1.0.0 \
    docker compose up

Running with bundled docker-compose.yml

If all you have is one of the QRDM docker images, it is possible to run the ecosystem by extracting the bundled docker-compose.yml configuration and running in a single command.

To run out of docker hub, use values such as

  • QRDM-IMAGE: qrdm-ui
  • DOCKER_ORG: mitll

Images pulled onto your local system from some other registry, or built locally, may need different values.

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint cat <QRDM-IMAGE> /app/docker-compose.yml  > /tmp/docker-compose.yml \
    && DOCKER_HOST_FQDN=$(hostname -f) \
        DOCKER_ORG=mycompany \
        docker compose -f /tmp/docker-compose.yml up


Generate new Diffie-Hellman Parameters

Do this for any new installation/deployment. It will take several minutes to complete. For development or test, this can be skipped and the default parameter file can be left as-is.

cd conf/nginx/conf.d
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096

Generate new self-signed certificate for SSL/TLS

To generate a new self-signed certificate, use or adapt the following:

cd conf/nginx/private
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server-key.pem -out server-cert.pem -sha256 \
    -days 3650 -nodes -subj "/CN=qrdm"

Install real server certificate

To install a real server certificate which has been issued by a trusted Certificate Authority,

  • Copy the server certificate in PEM/CRT form into conf/nginx/private/server-cert.pem
    • This PEM should include the server certificate as the first entry, and the chain of trust from the server to the root CA PEMs concatenated into the file. This is usually one of the standard formats provided by Certificate Authorities.
  • Copy the server key in PEM/CRT format into conf/nginx/private/server-key.pem


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.

© 2024 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Subject to FAR 52.227-11 - Patent Rights - Ownership by the Contractor (May 2014)
  • SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

This material is based upon work supported by the Name of Sponsor under Air Force Contract No. FA8721-05-C-0002 and/or FA8702-15-D-0001. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Name of Sponsor.

Delivered to the U.S. Government with Unlimited Rights, as defined in DFARS Part 252.227-7013 or 7014 (Feb 2014). Notwithstanding any copyright notice, U.S. Government rights in this work are defined by DFARS 252.227-7013 or DFARS 252.227-7014 as detailed above.

The software/firmware is provided to you on an As-Is basis.


QRDM provides a python package, network API endpoints, and web interfaces for encoding and decoding documents as a series of QR codes.





