App to manage real estate advertisements (creating, reading, updating and deleting). The project contains back and front in same global folder.
- database: annonceimmobiliere
- user: annonceimmobiliere
- password: annonceimmobiliere
To install database
psql -Upostgres
CREATE database annonceimmobiliere template template0;
CREATE ROLE annonceimmobiliere WITH PASSWORD 'annonceimmobiliere' NOCREATEDB LOGIN VALID UNTIL 'infinity';
\c annonceimmobiliere
ALTER schema public owner to annonceimmobiliere;
- Spring boot : 2.6.1
- Java 11
- Postgresql 12
- Angular 12
- Node 12.11.1
- Tomcat server
cd backend/
./gradlew bootrun
- Launch TU
cd backend/
./gradlew clean build
- To install all dependencies
cd frontend/
npm install
- Start server
cd frontend
npm start