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add script to test HLT customisation for alpaka-based pixel reco
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AdrianoDee authored Jun 28, 2023
2 parents f902559 + 7ef41ad commit d1a3f6c
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Showing 2 changed files with 349 additions and 0 deletions.
325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions HLTrigger/Configuration/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

from HLTrigger.Configuration.common import *

def customiseHLTforTestingDQMGPUvsCPU(process):
'''Ad-hoc changes to test HLT config containing only DQM_PixelReconstruction_v and DQMGPUvsCPU stream
if hasattr(process, 'hltDatasetDQMGPUvsCPU'):
process.hltDatasetDQMGPUvsCPU.triggerConditions = ['DQM_PixelReconstruction_v*']

finalPathsToRemove = []
for fpath in process.finalpaths_():
if 'DQMGPUvsCPU' not in fpath:
finalPathsToRemove += [fpath]
for fpath in finalPathsToRemove:

return process

def customiseHLTforTestingDQMGPUvsCPUPixelOnlyUpToLocal(process):
'''Ad-hoc changes to test HLT config containing only DQM_PixelReconstruction_v and DQMGPUvsCPU stream
only up to the Pixel Local Reconstruction
process = customiseHLTforTestingDQMGPUvsCPU(process)

if not hasattr(process, 'HLTDoLocalPixelTask'):
return process

# process.HLTDoLocalPixelTask = cms.ConditionalTask(
# process.hltSiPixelClustersCPU,
# process.hltSiPixelClustersGPU,
# # process.hltSiPixelDigiErrorsSoA,
# # process.hltSiPixelDigiErrorsSoALegacy,
# process.hltSiPixelDigisSoA,
# process.hltSiPixelDigisFromSoALegacy,
# process.hltSiPixelDigisFromSoA,
# process.hltSiPixelClustersFromSoA,
# process.hltSiPixelClustersLegacy,
# ### process.hltSiPixelDigisLegacy,
# ### process.hltSiPixelDigis,
# ### process.hltSiPixelClusters,
# ### process.hltSiPixelClustersCache,
# ###
# ### process.hltOnlineBeamSpotToGPU,
# ### process.hltSiPixelRecHitsFromLegacy,
# ### process.hltSiPixelRecHitsGPU,
# ### process.hltSiPixelRecHitsFromGPU,
# ### process.hltSiPixelRecHits,
# ### process.hltSiPixelRecHitsSoAFromGPU,
# ### process.hltSiPixelRecHitsSoA
# )

process.hltPixelConsumerCPU.eventProducts = [
# 'hltSiPixelRecHitsCPUSerial', # leads to exception

process.hltPixelConsumerGPU.eventProducts = [

# modify EventContent of DQMGPUvsCPU stream
if hasattr(process, 'hltOutputDQMGPUvsCPU'):
process.hltOutputDQMGPUvsCPU.outputCommands = [
'drop *',
'keep *Cluster*_hltSiPixelClusters_*_*',
'keep *Cluster*_hltSiPixelClustersCPUSerial_*_*',
'keep *_hltSiPixelDigiErrors_*_*',
'keep *_hltSiPixelDigiErrorsCPUSerial_*_*',
# 'keep *RecHit*_hltSiPixelRecHits_*_*',
# 'keep *RecHit*_hltSiPixelRecHitsCPUSerial_*_*',

# empty HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence until we add tracks and vertices
process.HLTRecopixelvertexingSequence = cms.Sequence()

# create CPU version of LocalPixelRecoSequence, and add it to HLTDQMPixelReconstruction
process.HLTDoLocalPixelSequenceCPUSerial = cms.Sequence( process.HLTDoLocalPixelTaskCPUSerial )
process.HLTDQMPixelReconstruction.insert(0, process.HLTDoLocalPixelSequenceCPUSerial)

return process

def customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelRecoLocal(process):
'''Customisation to introduce the Local Pixel Reconstruction in Alpaka
process.hltESPSiPixelCablingSoAESProducer = cms.ESProducer('SiPixelCablingSoAESProducer@alpaka',
ComponentName = cms.string(''),
CablingMapLabel = cms.string(''),
UseQualityInfo = cms.bool(False),
appendToDataLabel = cms.string(''),
alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
backend = cms.untracked.string('')

process.hltESPSiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTSoAESProducer = cms.ESProducer('SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTSoAESProducer@alpaka',
appendToDataLabel = cms.string(''),
alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
backend = cms.untracked.string('')

process.hltESPPixelCPEFastParamsESProducerPhase1 = cms.ESProducer('PixelCPEFastParamsESProducerAlpakaPhase1@alpaka',
ComponentName = cms.string('PixelCPEFast'),
appendToDataLabel = cms.string(''),
alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
backend = cms.untracked.string('')


# alpaka EDProducer
# consumes
# - FEDRawDataCollection
# produces (* optional)
# - SiPixelClustersSoA
# - SiPixelDigisSoA
# - SiPixelDigiErrorsSoA *
# - SiPixelFormatterErrors *
process.hltSiPixelClusters = cms.EDProducer('SiPixelRawToCluster@alpaka',
isRun2 = cms.bool(False),
IncludeErrors = cms.bool(True),
UseQualityInfo = cms.bool(False),
clusterThreshold_layer1 = cms.int32(4000),
clusterThreshold_otherLayers = cms.int32(4000),
InputLabel = cms.InputTag('rawDataCollector'),
Regions = cms.PSet(
inputs = cms.optional.VInputTag,
deltaPhi = cms.optional.vdouble,
maxZ = cms.optional.vdouble,
beamSpot = cms.optional.InputTag
CablingMapLabel = cms.string(''),
# autoselect the alpaka backend
alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
backend = cms.untracked.string('')

process.hltSiPixelClustersCPUSerial = process.hltSiPixelClusters.clone(
alpaka = dict( backend = 'serial_sync' )

# legacy EDProducer
# consumes
# - SiPixelDigiErrorsHost
# - SiPixelFormatterErrors
# produces
# - edm::DetSetVector<SiPixelRawDataError>
# - DetIdCollection
# - DetIdCollection, "UserErrorModules"
# - edmNew::DetSetVector<PixelFEDChannel>
process.hltSiPixelDigiErrors = cms.EDProducer("SiPixelDigiErrorsFromSoA",
digiErrorSoASrc = cms.InputTag("hltSiPixelClusters"),
fmtErrorsSoASrc = cms.InputTag("hltSiPixelClusters"),
CablingMapLabel = cms.string(''),
UsePhase1 = cms.bool(True),
ErrorList = cms.vint32(29),
UserErrorList = cms.vint32(40)

process.hltSiPixelDigiErrorsCPUSerial = process.hltSiPixelDigiErrors.clone(
digiErrorSoASrc = "hltSiPixelClustersCPUSerial",
fmtErrorsSoASrc = "hltSiPixelClustersCPUSerial",

# alpaka EDProducer
# consumes
# - reco::BeamSpot
# produces
# - BeamSpotDeviceProduct
process.hltOnlineBeamSpotDevice = cms.EDProducer("BeamSpotDeviceProducer@alpaka",
src = cms.InputTag("hltOnlineBeamSpot"),
alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
backend = cms.untracked.string('')

process.hltOnlineBeamSpotDeviceCPUSerial = process.hltOnlineBeamSpotDevice.clone(
alpaka = dict( backend = 'serial_sync' )

# alpaka EDProducer
# consumes
# - BeamSpotDeviceProduct
# - SiPixelClustersSoA
# - SiPixelDigisSoA
# produces
# - TrackingRecHitAlpakaCollection<TrackerTraits>
process.hltSiPixelRecHits = cms.EDProducer("SiPixelRecHitAlpakaPhase1@alpaka",
beamSpot = cms.InputTag('hltOnlineBeamSpotDevice'),
src = cms.InputTag('hltSiPixelClusters'),
CPE = cms.string('PixelCPEFast'),
# autoselect the alpaka backend
alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
backend = cms.untracked.string('')

process.hltSiPixelRecHitsCPUSerial = process.hltSiPixelRecHits.clone(
beamSpot = 'hltOnlineBeamSpotDeviceCPUSerial',
src = 'hltSiPixelClustersCPUSerial',
alpaka = dict( backend = 'serial_sync' )

# # alpaka EDProducer
# # consumes
# # - TrackingRecHitAlpakaCollection<TrackerTraits>
# # produces
# # - TkSoADevice
# process.hltPixelTracks = cms.EDProducer("CAHitNtupletAlpakaPhase1@alpaka",
# onGPU = cms.bool(True),
# pixelRecHitSrc = cms.InputTag('hltSiPixelRecHits'),
# ptmin = cms.double(0.89999997615814209),
# CAThetaCutBarrel = cms.double(0.0020000000949949026),
# CAThetaCutForward = cms.double(0.0030000000260770321),
# hardCurvCut = cms.double(0.032840722495894911),
# dcaCutInnerTriplet = cms.double(0.15000000596046448),
# dcaCutOuterTriplet = cms.double(0.25),
# earlyFishbone = cms.bool(True),
# lateFishbone = cms.bool(False),
# fillStatistics = cms.bool(False),
# minHitsPerNtuplet = cms.uint32(3),
# maxNumberOfDoublets = cms.uint32(524288),
# minHitsForSharingCut = cms.uint32(10),
# fitNas4 = cms.bool(False),
# doClusterCut = cms.bool(True),
# doZ0Cut = cms.bool(True),
# doPtCut = cms.bool(True),
# useRiemannFit = cms.bool(False),
# doSharedHitCut = cms.bool(True),
# dupPassThrough = cms.bool(False),
# useSimpleTripletCleaner = cms.bool(True),
# idealConditions = cms.bool(False),
# includeJumpingForwardDoublets = cms.bool(True),
# trackQualityCuts = cms.PSet(
# chi2MaxPt = cms.double(10),
# chi2Coeff = cms.vdouble(0.9, 1.8),
# chi2Scale = cms.double(8),
# tripletMinPt = cms.double(0.5),
# tripletMaxTip = cms.double(0.3),
# tripletMaxZip = cms.double(12),
# quadrupletMinPt = cms.double(0.3),
# quadrupletMaxTip = cms.double(0.5),
# quadrupletMaxZip = cms.double(12)
# ),
# # autoselect the alpaka backend
# alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
# backend = cms.untracked.string('')
# )
# )
# # alpaka EDProducer
# # consumes
# # - TkSoADevice
# # produces
# # - ZVertexDevice
# process.hltPixelVertices = cms.EDProducer('PixelVertexProducerAlpakaPhase1@alpaka',
# onGPU = cms.bool(True),
# oneKernel = cms.bool(True),
# useDensity = cms.bool(True),
# useDBSCAN = cms.bool(False),
# useIterative = cms.bool(False),
# minT = cms.int32(2),
# eps = cms.double(0.07),
# errmax = cms.double(0.01),
# chi2max = cms.double(9),
# PtMin = cms.double(0.5),
# PtMax = cms.double(75),
# pixelTrackSrc = cms.InputTag('pixelTracksCUDA'),
# # autoselect the alpaka backend
# alpaka = cms.untracked.PSet(
# backend = cms.untracked.string('')
# )
# )

process.HLTDoLocalPixelTask = cms.ConditionalTask(

process.HLTDoLocalPixelTaskCPUSerial = cms.ConditionalTask(

return process

def customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelRecoTracking(process):
'''Customisation to introduce the Pixel-Track Reconstruction in Alpaka
return process

def customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelRecoVertexing(process):
'''Customisation to introduce the Pixel-Vertex Reconstruction in Alpaka
return process

def customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelReco(process):
'''Customisation to introduce the Pixel Local+Track+Vertex Reconstruction in Alpaka

process = customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelRecoLocal(process)
# process = customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelRecoTracking(process)
# process = customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelRecoVertexing(process)
return process

def customizeHLTforPatatrack(process):
'''Customise HLT configuration introducing latest Patatrack developments
process = customiseHLTforAlpakaPixelReco(process)
return process
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions HLTrigger/Configuration/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@

https_proxy=http://cmsproxy.cms:3128/ \
hltGetConfiguration /frozen/2023/2e34/v1.2/HLT \
--globaltag 130X_dataRun3_HLT_v2 \
--data \
--unprescale \
--output all \
--max-events 100 \
--paths DQM_PixelReco*,*DQMGPUvsCPU* \
--input /store/data/Run2023C/EphemeralHLTPhysics0/RAW/v1/000/368/822/00000/6e1268da-f96a-49f6-a5f0-89933142dd89.root \
--customise \
HLTrigger/Configuration/customizeHLTforPatatrack.customiseHLTforTestingDQMGPUvsCPUPixelOnlyUpToLocal \

cat <<EOF >>
process.hltOutputDQMGPUvsCPU.fileName = '___JOBNAME___.root'

sed "s|___JOBNAME___|${JOBNAME}|" > "${JOBNAME}".py
edmConfigDump --prune "${JOBNAME}".py > "${JOBNAME}"
echo "${JOBNAME}" ... && cmsRun "${JOBNAME}".py &> "${JOBNAME}".log

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