It's a library that retrieves the latest gasoline, diesel, and LPG prices from fuel station APIs and logs them to a CSV file. It can also generate a graph of the historical prices.
- Python 3.x
- pandas
- matplotlib
- requests
Clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
Install the necessary packages via pip
pip install pandas matplotlib requests
# Import the gasgasgas module and create a gas object
from gasgasgas import gasgasgas
gas = gasgasgas()
# Retrieve the latest fuel prices using the "parse_prices" method
prices = gas.parse_prices() # Output: {'lpg': '10.51', 'gasoline': '20.37', 'diesel': '19.76'}
# Alternatively, you can use the "latest_price" attribute to access the latest prices
# This will read the last entry of the CSV file (if it exists) and save it in this attribute
# If the file doesn't exist, it will generate the prices using the "parse_price" method
print(gas.latest_prices) # Output: {'lpg': '10.51', 'gasoline': '20.37', 'diesel': '19.76'}
# Log the latest prices to the CSV file using the "log" method
# You will see print statements about whether the data is logged or not, depending on if the data has changed since the last run
# It will return True if the csv file is edited, and False if not.
# Generate a chart based on all the data in the CSV file using the "generate_char" method
# This will return the filename of the created chart so you can refer to it later
filename_of_the_chart = gas.generate_chart()
# Example filename: 29-04-2023.png
- BP
- Opet
- Aygaz
Note: If and BP API fails, the Aygaz API is used as a backup for LPG prices.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.