Simple command-line tool for creating the gcode for drawing/engraving a text line.
It is a java program (single class) that you can include it on your own project or you can use as a command-line tool.
Usage: java Romans "text" [offsetX] [offsetY] [scale] [angle]
It will print to the standard output the g-code for drawing/engraving the text between quotation marks. Please remember these marks are needed.
The output for the text "abc 123 ABC" is containted in the sample file (
And you can see the final result in 3D
Please note entering into the material at the begining of each symbol is done with a G1 command and leaving the material with a (probably faster) G0 command.
Font is based on the ROMANS.CHR font from NCPlot program but I have included support for Spanish symbols (Ñ, ñ, á, é, í, ó and ú, plus ü and Ü).
Now with scale and rotation features, as shown in the next example:
$ for((i=0; i<8; i++)) ; do a=$(echo $i*0.785|bc); java Romans "abc 123 ABC" 0 0 0.5 $a; done