A toy RISC-V operating system written in Zig and Lua, that runs Lua scripts as userspace programs.
Luxos is licensed under the 0BSD (BSD 0-clause) license, see LICENSE
The files in deps
and inspiration
are under their own licenses - see those directories for more information.
The name "Luxos" is just a mutation of "LuaOS".
I'm using this project as an excuse to write startup and peripheral code for the FE310-G002 (the SoC on the HiFive1 Rev B) from scratch, as well as the rest of the operating system.
I am currently working on getting the Lua core running. The short-term goal is to get a Lua state successfully initialised (without any libraries/modules for now) and a REPL available over UART.
The FE310-G002 has only 16 KiB of data RAM which is almost certainly not enough to do much interesting in Lua, so I will probably end up switching to running in QEMU with a RV64GC CPU. Once I get Lua running then we will see how far I can get with it.
Currently targets only the HiFive1 Rev B board.
- Connect board to PC.
- Start J-Link GDB server with
. zig build debug
to build kernel, start ugdb, and connect to the GDB server.- To flash the kernel to the board, use
in GDB. Whenever the kernel is rebuilt, you can run!reload
to reload the file from disk, thenload
again to flash the updated kernel.
- Khoros: https://outofhanwell.wordpress.com/2008/08/16/khoros-a-lua-operating-system/
- Source code is included in
, download linked from http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2011-08/msg01189.html (download link is dead now)
- Source code is included in
- https://reddit.com/r/rust/comments/8j7y1f/i_am_lachlansneff_creator_of_nebulet_a_rust/dyyzfir/