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0.1.0 - for testing

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@mirisuzanne mirisuzanne released this 27 Jul 05:15
· 15 commits to main since this release
  • ground-control base class
  • input-control supports basic input and select types
    (but not files, checkboxes, or radios)
  • toggle-control supports solo and grouped toggles
  • Built-in WebC components
  • Control element attributes:
    • id="<control-id>" [optional]:
      A standard HTML id for referencing the control
    • data-for="<selector>" [defaults to :root]:
      the elements to update
    • data-prop="<css-property-name>" [optional]:
      the CSS property to set
    • data-attr="<attribute-name>" [optional]:
      the HTML attribute to set
    • data-local="<localStorage-key>" [optional]:
      store and retrieve the value from localStorage
    • data-session="<sessionStorage-key>" [optional]:
      store and retrieve the value from sessionStorage
    • data-event="<event-name>" [optional]:
      only used by input-control at this point,
      which can listen for either change (the default) or input
    • data-off="<value>" [optional]:
      the value to use when no other value is selected
      (primarily for toggles, but also useful with select)
  • button element attributes inside toggle-control:
    • data-value [defaults to the button.innerText]:
      provide a value for the toggle
      that is different from the text of the button
    • aria-pressed [optional]:
      set the initial pressed state of each toggle
      (only one in a group can be active at a time)
  • Support for output displays and reset buttons:
    • Using the id of the input/select or the toggle-control
    • <output for="<control-id>">:
      will set the output as a display for the control
    • <button data-reset="<control-id-list>">:
      will use the button to clear the referenced controls