A simple library that provides templated types for markov chains.
import std.stdio;
import markov;
void main()
// Build states for 1, 2, and 3 leading elements.
auto chain = MarkovChain!string(1, 2, 3);
chain.train("foo", "bar", "foo");
chain.train("bar", "foo", "bar");
foreach(i; 0 .. 10)
// bar foo bar foo bar . . .
Simple functions for serializing markov chains into JSON and binary are included.
void main()
// . . .
// Serialize the markov chain into JSON.
string json = chain.encodeJSON;
// Serialize the markov chain into a binary format.
ubyte[] binary = chain.encodeBinary;
// Unserialize the JSON-encoded markov chain.
MarkovChain!string decoded1 = json.decodeJSON!string;
// Unserialize the binary-encoded markov chain.
MarkovChain!string decoded2 = binary.decodeBinary!string;
In addition, helpers to store encoded data in files are also present.
void main()
// . . .
// Write a markov chain to a file.
chain.encodeJSON(File("markov", "w"));
// Read a markov chain from a file.
MarkovChain!string decoded = File("markov", "r").decodeJSON!string;