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Simon Nebesnuick edited this page May 21, 2024 · 1 revision

Requesting a visit

The BookingRequestsController has only two actions, index and create, which means only one path, differentiated by GET or POST. It is completely stateless: progression through the steps is determined by the availability of complete information in the preceding steps, passed either as user-completed form fields or (in the case of preceding steps) as hidden fields.

The logic of processing steps and determining which step has been reached is handled by the StepsProcessor class.

On an initial GET, the first step (PrisonerStep) is instantiated with no parameters.

Thereafter, on a POST request, each step in turn is instantiated using the named parameters for that step (if available). The first incomplete step (where incompleteness is determined by the complete absence of parameters for that step, or by the invalidity of those supplied) determines the template to be rendered.

Finally, if all steps are complete, a Visit is created by BookingRequestCreator and the completed template is rendered.

See models documentation for further information.

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